Been a while.

Feb 03, 2019 17:18

Ahhh, that's better.

Finally adjusted my style sheet to have functioning links once again. (shakes fist at photobucket, kisses imgur)

Also packed up the majority of my icons, since I'm going back to a free account (I'm just not around enough to justify paying for icons I never have occasion to use anymore.) It's sad....feels like permanently closing the door on an era.

It's just so sad that twitter and tumblr so thoroughly gutted LJ - it's just so hard to have real conversations on either of those, not like we all used to have here on LJ. Fandom has never been the same.

Well...I may be around from time to time (but let's be real, without anyone to have conversations *with*, it's unlikely I'll be around much).

So, I guess it's so long, and thanks for all the fish.


personal, lj, fandom

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