Oct 26, 2004 20:38
Yes here i am again. (surprised?) Seriously, ive been doing nothing all freakin day. For once wish i had homework with me to do. Not really cause school is really pissing me off right now so ya know. I hope i dont get in too much trouble for my C's but w/e happens, happens. Everything happens for a reason (even though this seems really dumb). God i wish my teachers didnt suck so much ass!! My life would be totally fine w/o school right now its not even funny. Id be in the best mood ever. But this is reality and being in a perfect mood is almost impossible. *sigh* And now Hayley's mom thinks we hang out too much (which maybe we do, i dont know) and that really sucks because we have so much fun together and im finally not bored off my ass all the time. I almost always get my homework done b4 i go over there but i know my mom will act the same way. She'll tell me i need to study more then probably ground me and all that great stuff. Arg! Im so sick of this school bullshit. I know i complain about it a lot but its a pain in the ass. Im not going to sit here and bitch about it anymore so im gonna head out. Peace.