I'm Trying To Like My Brain, Honest

Sep 23, 2003 23:42

I had a dream about Ruth.

She was working in a hospital, and I was waiting for her outside. There were people being rushed in on gurneys. Most of the patients had caught a disease that was killing them painfully and slowly. She was running around frantically trying to finish up so she could go. It was really busy.

After waiting outside for a while, the hospital turned ominous. All it's doors were removed and the windows became barred. There were a few people walking around on the large sprawling grounds in front which I quickly discovered to be something other than people who wanted to eat me or worse give me the disease.

There was another building dilapidated and worn. It looked like a garage and was separate from the hospital. I was worried whether Ruth made it out okay or had gotten eaten but was still thinking of ducking and hiding in the garage. Too, I wasn't sure the garage wasn't going to fall on me if I went inside.

I shot an email tonight to Ruth to, you know, make sure some zombie didn't eat her.
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