What To Do?

Sep 18, 2003 23:35

I was driving home from work tonight and was stopped at a light three blocks from my home. To the right, two men were walking towards each other after getting out of their cars. One had called to the other in a friendly recognizing manner, and the other seemed to be glad to see the one. I watched them come together and shake hands.

I looked back to see if the light turned green.

I heard a loud, "Oooooooh" from the store's direction and looked back. The man on the left was now laying on the ground and the other was stooped over him punching him in the face. The one laying on the ground was pleading for him to stop while trying unsuccessfully to block the other's fists.

A huge wave of something went through me as the car behind me honked its horn to say the light was now green. I looked back and thought of my cell phone in the glove compartment. Maybe I should call the cops. I should call the cops. Is this what I'm suppose to do? I started to move my car. I should of yelled something out the car like, "Cut that shit out!" I thought I needed to do something. I had passed a couple of stores by now, and I decided to turn the car around. If it was still going on, I was going to grab the phone and call 911. What if he was beating the other to death?

When I passed it again, I think one of the men was walking on the side of store out of sight from three people who were in the store. He was limping slightly and holding his stomach. The three propped open the store's door peering out to the parking lot trying to see if they could figure out what the ruckus was about. It seemed to be broken up.

I continued home.
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