Pretend I'm Not Here

Oct 20, 2003 23:10

Today when people asked me how I was doing, I told them great. I explained that I wasn't really there, and I had bought a machine over the weekend that projects an image of me into the office. I was safe at home, and last Friday was the final day I was ever coming into this rotten stink like hell hole. I told them too that God, the universe, Ganush, or whatever was screaming at me to stay home, forever. I had to do it. It's not like you can ignore that booming voice when it screams, right?

If there were a few left that didn't think me a flake, I fixed them.

It didn't help though. Even the image of me really loathed being there. What's more, this probably isn't all that good for the old mental health. I wonder if I can sue my company for making me schizophrenic.
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