May 02, 2005 18:09
Here's what Bitch wrote:
I know you asked me to never contact you again, but I really hope that writing you won’t just make you angrier. My mind has been on this every since Saturday night, and I have to try to let some of this out.
First of all, I want to apologize to you for being a jerk to you on Saturday. Dumping ice water on a friend’s head in a crowded bar is never excusable behavior. My first reaction was to hit you, my second was to dump my water on you. I should have went on to the third and right option, which would have been to walk away from the situation.
The details of what happened are not clear to me, but at the time I had a very strong feeling that there was more to what I remember doing (throwing ice at you, Starbuck, and Tomas) than I knew about. Did I do other things to make you angry, or was it because you had asked me to stop and I kept bugging you? I guess I was surprised by your reaction, that you grabbed my throat and hair. Honestly, I didn’t intend to make you mad, and in my state I wasn’t very good at judging your seriousness when you told me to stop.
I know that dealing with drunks every weekend has to get old. I wish that I could say just to relax, but I can’t imagine being sober and putting up with the irrational things we put you through all the time.
I want you to know that I didn’t do anything maliciously that night. I reacted poorly to you though, and I should have stopped throwing ice when you asked me to. In my mind, it was all fun and games, but obviously you were annoyed by it and asked me to stop.
I was (and am) very hurt by the message you sent me. I hope that you didn’t truly mean the words you wrote - they were very strong. I understand if you are mad, but I don’t want to lose your friendship over it. I want to at least have a chance to ask for your forgiveness.
Here's my reply:
Don't fucking contact me through any sort of communication again. I did mean what I said. I asked you once to stop what you were doing, but you insisted on pestering me. Get help, you fucking alchie. You are obviously out of control and need the help since you can't control your fucking actions. Life sucks, then you die. Fuck off.
I'm a badass