Apr 21, 2006 20:05

Were to start?
Ok, heres the deal. I think that I'm lossing my mind. I have so many people to please and not enough time, money, energy, and so on, to make it all happen. I just had a newborn baby girl, but I don't get much time to spend with her though. My wife and I basically comunicate thru phone and 2 hours once I get home. I work over 60 hours every week. Thanks to the owners of the Rocktops, they pushed me into a position that I really don't want. The thing is that they are going to make me do it regaurdless if I want to or not. So I might as well get paid for it then, right? Today I was the a-hole boss that got to fire a employee. He had it coming but still, kinda weird. I never done that before. A part of you feels kind sorry for them but the other half is glad they are leaving. See a huge part of the reason that I don't have much time at home is due to this guy. Making me work these unGodly hours. If he would of just done what he was told and actually work then I prolly would be pretty content right now. So that made the fireing alot easier. I'm just glad that I have help on the way that I can count on 110%. Then I can have some decent hours at home, work and so on. I can enjoy my family and friends again! I can't wait.

PS. Also having some babysitter issues that get worse by the day. thats all I can say about that.
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