if i say lol, it means i have nothing better to say

Feb 21, 2006 11:04

holy crap, the month of february is pretty crazy with card signing!! at work there have been 8 birthdays, including mine! and if you forgot, you can piss off..no really, i was kidding..and those who didn't `:oD thanks!!! theres an office junior at work and told "because its you brithday, you get to have cake..but because you're the office junior, you have to go and buy it yourself..heres my credit card" - thats a lil sad init...its funny how if the card signing starts at the other offices, its all sweet, cute with mushy mini comments and stuff, like "i love working with you!!", "i hope you never leave!!!" blah blah fucking blah..and its totally different if it starts at our office..theres a certain group of people who tend to sign it other people's names and we leave rude/funny/personal but still ultimately rude comments..the common one for the girls is:
"i heard you're a bit of a goer..fancy a shag? love nittin xxx"
"i think you're really sweet...fancy taking it up the butt? love nittin xxx"

and for the dudes its just as good:
"i want to lick your bald head all night long..then you can lick mine...love nittin xxx"
"i want you to suck my love love pump..love nittin xxx"
"im not one to listen to office gossip, but i heard you bummed [male member of staff], wanna do me? love nittin xxx"

but the best one that got the other office really shocked, was when it was the ceo's birthday and "somebody" wrote "pay me more money you bitch..love nittin xxx"

of course it wasn't meant to offend and everyone takes it as a joke, so no harm no foul right? maybe there are those who really take it to heart, maybe there are those who really do feel invaded by some of the comments, maybe there are those who feel humiliated as they know that everyone in the company has read it...*[shrungs] fuck em..

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