dayton, dayton, dayton

Sep 21, 2005 20:40

So, it's been forever and a day since I last posted. Things have basically been the most chaotic they've been in a very long time (we're talkin' years since this much drama has ensued). I'll sum up rather quickly, but I don't want to dwell too much on things, because I think it's important to look forward right now. The house I live in is currently a mess, as my parents have decided to do major renovations (new carpet throughout the upstairs, repaint a bunch of rooms, strip old wallpaper), which has thrown everyone living here into turmoil. Which led to a huuuuuuugggggeeee fight with my brother (whom I love dearly, but you know how siblings can be), as well as just general added stress all the way around. Not to mention trying to plan for our big move to Dayton (which now looks like it will be in early December--it's the best compromise for Matt and I, since we'll both have to commute for a little while if we move in December).
After all that's happened, part of me feels good to give a bunch of stuff away and move to Dayton with Matt to start a new life with simplicity as my mantra. But, part of me is also sad to see some of our possessions go, although it's been easier and easier with every move to learn to let go of material things more quickly. If there's one thing I've learned from this whole saga, it's that life is constantly in a state of flux, and the more I accept that, the happier I am. Of course it helps that the one constant in my life is my wonderful partner and husband Matt, who has weathered all of the good and bad with me with remarkable patience, compassion, support, and above all else, love. I know he's sacrificing a lot to move to Dayton, and I hope that everything works out for us in the end.
I really do believe in my heart of hearts that everything will get better, but just in case, everyone please keep sending positive thoughts our way. Until next time--
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