thurs nights

Oct 29, 2004 11:03

so last night went to zbt w/ alex & freyan. later othe rppl met up after being turned away from pi lambda. zbt...not bad. CUTE frat the bar, in front...everywhere. ;) we walk to the front, and the guy (very cute) is like 'telling us to come in and telling us where everything is...the dance floor etc.' and then a frat bro (another cutie) walks out the door and is like 'come on in ladies!'

you know, they say guys have lost their chivalry but i don't think so. i mean, probably in the old ways but if you think about it, they call girls 'ladies'...sober or when drunk. they don't say 'girls' or 'chicks' or 'bitches'... in fact, its really cute that we're called ladies..

so yeah, we go's ok. not bad. by the end there were more ppl bc they came from other parties etc. but it was relatively good. chatted w/ two guys...maneesh and will. that was interesting. later went to tke w/ them bc turns out maneesh's roommie is a pledge there. so we went there, hung out. and saw some tke bros! one of them was way drunk but he remembered us. and it was cool...he looked sheepish when he saw us. we had caught him as he was being bad. silly boy. oh yeah, and one of the other guys (we didn't meet him last time) thought we were in the cannibis club and was like 'dude, cannibus club let's go! outside' HAHAHA. it was great.

hmm, then went back to zbt. danced a bit there. although i got my toes sticky and it was slippery (bc my flip flops have NO traction) so then i just stopped. haha. went outside to get fresh air get away from some ppl. haha, or at least alex was. eyed a few guys. ;)

then went back to get our stuff and leave. haha, on our way home, went to the den...met up w/ belal!

belal! i love the guy. so funny bc sophomore yr, he was the guy who i was like 'ew, he got really boring. not talking to him...' and in middle school we were good friends...and now...yay! haha, he treats me like a little sis, i think. it's nice bc even though i don't see him often...but when i do run into him, he'll give me a hug...he always extends his arms. the one good thing about middle school friends...they're like your brothers.

came back, talked, chilled. also w/ arthur and suana and anthony. arthur and suana were a bit drunk. haha, arthur rocks! haha, poor guy. by 4 am he started to regret what happened. oops. bc he and suana went to a room party in norton. the funny thing is at 4 am, he was like 'i didn't make out w/ random girls bc i was drunk...i mena, even now i want to make out w/ someone' oh man. but he regrets it bc he's not that kinda guy who makes out w/ random girls. and it makes sense that you doon't want othe rppl to think of you as that guy...although from the sounds of that party, no one will remember what happened except arthur and suana.

mmm, and then at around 4 did my astro hw. haha, went to bed. and woke up at 9:05...i had a class at 9:10. HAHAHA. fan woke me up. he was like 'felice? felice?' i literally jumped up and w/i a min, was ready. WOW. and now i'm awake. craziness. no, i was falling asleep in math. and now that i have food i'm better.

will crash soon though.

dunno what i'm doing tonight. prob won't be going out. bc sat - tke...and sun is halloween. it'll be crazy busy.

around noon, off to see the band, my two friends. should be good!! HOT DRUMMER.

btw, have i mentioned that i think i'm forever...going to put myself in the SAME BAD SITUATION?

why do i do these things?

on a random note - worked out again yesterday. hooray! i actually have some sort of set scheudle now..and it's COOL. i feel so...well, i feel more in shape than before. ;)

in any case, thurs night was fun. LAST SAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME. and this weekend - sat and sun will be CRAAAAAAAAAAAZY.

i'm excited.
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