ayem knot soory!

Feb 15, 2005 23:01

so, onestly?

today the idea of droping out of skool seemed reely attractiv. ass moest of you probly no, sometimes its reely hard too be in this plase, bekoz i'm much less smart then aye ever prezoom too be and four a multitude (frum now on, this werd will be "multidude") of uther reesons.

anyway, after freeking out four about 4 ours and knot acomplishing any damb thing, i started looking at sum of these applickashuns four the knew deen of stewdents, and do you no wut? our silly (soory, speeking for myself) livejournal entrys are better poot-tugether and more gramatticly corerect then most of these doctors of watever.

there's hope yet. just bekoz i don't rembember how to reid from day too day dusn't mean i woen't won day holed a ph.d. but maybe that imp-lys that there isn't achuly any hope, bekoz after all these degreeded fokes cain't poot a freeking sentnce tugether...wut dose that say aboot our ejucashunal sistim?

oh i don't care. i'mgonnabeadoctorsomedayandwontthatbecompletelyridiculous but anyway i'm really just updating right now because i've got an exam tomorrow morning i need to be studying for.
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