I pretty much never have a minute to sit and update anymore (who would have guessed- five children and all?)
Life is hectic, but good. I'm looking into applying for an autism service dog for Aiden. There's a 1-2 year waiting period, but sometimes it is less- particularly if the child is higher functioning and has a 1:1 >aide at school. So we'll see. I'm hoping that will help us function a bit more normally in day to day activities as his anxiety is generally through the roof. Shopping, for instance, turns into a moan fest about I have to have xyz over and over because it's far easier to perseverate about that than focus on all the stuff going on and the expectations.
Keagan is finishing up with speech and OT- and of course early intervention- as he heads to school in September. At that point, speech and OT will be through the school. Luckily there are 7 kids in the class and they have an aide because there are some other things going on with a couple of the kids. I suspect he'll do fine. He passed his ADOS and was tested with a very high IQ, we'll see what happens going forward. And Malachi? Well. He's Malachi. He's doing well with speech therapy and will be starting pre-k this year (though we'll do it for 2 years.) I'm hoping to hear back on his ADOS, as I suspect that will be a very different result- but getting in with psychologists is hard- there aren't enough!
Shane is working locally for now- though who knows whether that will change. He's been offered a position with CN Rail, but they aren't hiring currently but hope to slot him 'soon' he's the successful candidate, but hurry up and wait is tough. He's also put in for a position with Schlumberger again, though after the cutbacks, it's quite hard to trust that.
As for me, with the sheer number of therapy appointments and so on- working full time isn't in the cards for me any time soon. I did, however, just pick up a job working with a caterer. It's reasonable pay, fits my needs, and most importantly, lets me be away from home for a few hours at a time without guilt. I have a wedding to work Saturday, and another the following weekend. It will also help a bit with the whole earning less than half of what we were earning 6 months ago thing. Thank goodness we got less house than we could afford on paper.
I'm a bit beside myself- in September it will just be Annabelle, Eliza, and myself home during the week. I'm not quite sure what to do with that breathing space!
I hope to be back here more frequently, but setting aside time to be here is hard. Still, I like having something to look back on now and again.
So, I'll leave with a last day of Grandir (pre-k) and Maternelle (K) of Aiden and Keagan.