Those who hurt us...

Nov 06, 2008 01:09

Dear future mother-in-law and her side of the family,

Are you serious? What is you guys problem? Can't you see how in love we are? Yes we're young, but shouldn't that be enough? I don't understand. Especially you mother and step father in law... you pushed for us to get married even before we we're engaged! Step showed my love all sorts of wedding stuff and talked to us about getting married and living with you 2 untill we could get our own place. Mother-in-law you bought us stuff to use when we got our own place... both you and your husband went around introducing me as your sons fiancee. You knew we'd be getting married soon...we've been engaged over a year!!! And yet when we called you to tell you that we decided to do it this November you were angry you screamed at jmy love and hurt him. I've never seen him cry before that, and you made him cry for days. Only now am I finally starting to see some of the sadness leave his eyes, but some will always still remain. You've hurt us both more than words can say. You want your son to be so perfect but why can't you just love him the way he is? I think I get it now... you don't really see him as part of your family anymore. Mother-in-law, you moved on, married someone else and had 2 kids with him, plus had your daughter from a previous relationship... my love stayed with his father. You only call him when you want us to come babysit or do work for you and when we visit you're always working and doing stuff and having us working. In the nearly 3 years I've known you you've never taken a day of while we've visited, just to spend time with your son...who longs to have a close relationship with you.  My love told me that when he was younger and 1 of his half brothers was born you never told him you were pregnant or gave birth..he showed up at your house seeing you with a baby asked who it was and discovered his new half brother...HOW COULD YOU BE SO COLD AS TO NOT TELL HIM HE HAD A HALF-BROTHER?!!!  I let that one slide the first time I heard it, but just this year his older half sister got pregnant and had a little girl... you never told him till his little half brothers told me when I was babysitting and you confirmed it... HE DIDN"T EVEN KNOW TILL SHE WAS ^ MONTHS OLD. You also woke me up to celebrate his nieces birthday but never woke him up...he woke up to me saying come on there getting ready to celebrate, but just as his eyes fluttered you were signing happy birthday and opening gifts without him. You didn't even care if he was there or not. You refuse to come to our wedding...and even though you say your busy , we both have heard your lame excuses and know that you haven't even tried. CRUEL... and now I can't stand either of you, but your his family so for now I remain silent but so help me god if we meet again and you treat him this way or disrespact us I will not be so kind!

And to his grandmother we tried to do things nicely. As for calling you to tell you... you never answered not once and he called multiple times. The name, everyone even your daughter calls you by your previous last name we didn't know that you changed your name when you married your new husband that's why we put both your last names. Sorry. And sorry your old name was mispelled. It wasn't even that far off just 2 f's instead of 1. But we both know you're being the same way as your daughter finding everything to yell at my love about. Then sending us a card  that we both realized was out of "obligation" and not sincerity was pathetic. Normally you always send my love a gift...this card was empty and you only signed your name to it nothing else. If you were sincere you would of at least wrote something other than signing your name.

All of you make us sick with sadness, I loved you all at one time...deep down beyond the hurt I still do. Now don't get me wrong his dad has issues too but at least he's shown us supprot and love and he'll be there. And at least him and his side of the family makes me feel welcome and like a part of the family. I never thought I'd have to decide which side I love or not, but all I feel from you guys is pure hatred. As for all of you I can say nothing in your defence. And mother and step father -in-law stop calling us to find out wether or not we're still mad at you or if we've actually gone thru with it...tomorrow is the wedding so clearly we are still doing it. Get over yourselves and get over it. We love each other and that's that!

A very hurt bride who wont let you ruin her day
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