Jul 06, 2008 16:43
Well I am finally done with my "friends"... here's why:
J_L sent:
People Need to shut up. Especially since you guys have been friends forever. I'm getting tired of your angry damn bulletins. It's seriously getting ridiculous to have to wake up in the morning to hear people threatening others. SERIOUSLY. You're both adults. And you, have you forgotten that she saved you from your dad? Huh? She could have said, "No, you can't stay here, go home." But no, she let you stay in your house. Okay? If that isn't kindness, I don't know what is. AND I didn't say SHIT. Okay? Don''t assume, it makes an ass out of u and me.
Why dont you all grow up and stop with the childish myspace fights, and be adults, mkay?
I replied:
1) I never asked her to let me stay there she offered. And I am still very thankfull for that.
2) I never said that you did say shit...I asked what was said...because obviously there is some sort of confusion here.
3) Ya we were friends...but once you send your mother after me to kick my ass...I think that pretty much crosses the line.
4)If you don't like it...don't read them! You know they r not addressed to u.
5) Ya I can see who's side ur on already!
Then J_L said:
IM not on anyones side. But you know, her mom left on her own. M__ doesnt send people after others. 'Cause you know what? She fights her own battles Annie. You're not good at arguing, and if you're gonna"picksides" like this, youre just like my aunt, who forced me to pick between Pa and my sisters. I read them, because im trying to stop you guys from bitching at each other. i thought you could realize that. but Im wrong.
I replied:
Oh please that is so pathetic...
Her mom wouldn't have even done anything if M__would learn to keep her mouth shut and deal with stuff on her own instead of crying to mommy. I haven't threatened M__ at all. M___ and her mom have been making all the threats. And then going and talking shit about me behind my back. I have every single right to go out in public and I am not going to put up with her mom stopping me infront of the Pizza place to threaten me... trying to intimidate me in the park...and threatening me again at the firework show. It's bull shit. Especially since all I did was try to warn M__ that J_ was upset and wanted to kick her ass. If I didn't like M__ I would of let J_ go ahead and do it when she wanted to that day.
And you know...after all the comments and talking to you...I have a hard time believing that you didn't say something to M__ or her mom that mad M__'s mom come after me.
And screw you for saying that I am like your aunt.
She replied:
Well, I apologize for my friend who speaks to someone about things that hurt her. I apologize for trying to salvage a 12+Year long friendship. I apologize for comparing you to a cunt bitch-face, who doesn't let anyone have a say in anything.I apologize for the times that you assumed that I was flirting with your fiancee, who just so happens to be a friend of mine, before you. I just so happen to apologize for breaking up with him, and giving you the chance to go out with him, which you almost ruined with your selfishness. Oh noes, a boy watches porn. OH NO. YOU MADE ME WATCH PORN WITH YOU AND YOUR FIANCEE. I apologize for doing the right thing, and telling you both to shut the fuck up. But you know what..? you're not gonna take those apologies, because thats not who you are. You are the kind of person who takes everything too seriously, the kind of person who only listens to what she has to say, and totally disregard the entire story, only taking in what you want to hear. And if you think that your new friend J_ will show you the devotion and loyalty that M__ and I have shown you over the past 12 years, you're delusional. Because Loyalty and friendship dont happen overnight.
Keep that in mind.
I replied:
Your the stupid two faced one!
You haven't done shit for me! Ya ur my "friend" all right. Ya guys ignored me most the time at school. Never called to see if I'd like to go places with you. Never really called me after I left the HS. M__ fing didn't believe that I was molested. You two both still talked to the people who molested me after the incident. M__ blames me b/c she can't keep a guy. And excuse me for not being a slut and for being disgusted by porn! And ur bullshit about how my fiancee and I made u watch porn is a fucking lie. U and M__ can't do anything but LIE! ANd you didn't break up with my fiancee for me...you did it cuz u can't keep a guy around...you never could keep one around. And J__ has been a better friend to me this last 3 weeks than you two have ever been. So stop talking shit about her. And don't even think about coming near me or my fiancee! I am done being your's and M__'s friend. Done with all the bullshit over the years.... so just shut up!
And she said:
*Big sigh, Annie , BIG SIGH*
What on Earth, will I EVER do with myself? I can't possibly imagine such a loss. I never thought I'd lose a stupid, lying, idiotic, retarded fuck of a friend. Hn. I lie so much. I should be struck down by God himself. Oh wait. I don't believe in god. Because. He's. Never. Done. ANYTHING. For me. OUCH. I Just hurt your religion!! *gasp* I'm done being nice to you. FOREVER. Because, I dont have to take your shit. You're the one who always started shit. And as for talking to the people who molested you...? You're their BFF's, you know. Im not saying you weren't molested, but seriously, you outweigh him alot. You could have taken him on. But no. You cried where you sat and let him, secretly enjoying it.
If I'm such a horrible person, who can't keep a guy, then why did you go after every single one of my exes, save for J.M., but then, I don't know if you tried that.
I hate her... I can't believe she said that about me likeing being molested. I will never forgive her for that...never! That two facee bitch!
PS... I am really upset please forgive my ranting!