I saw the new SPN promo today. And... And... Oh God, I gotta cut this, its long and rambly and MAKES ME CRY.
There's lots and lots and LOTS of talk going around about the hold up on announcing SPN is getting a S5. The boys have a contract saying they will do a S5 if the network grants them one, so that's not an issue. Its just that since S3 got cut nearly in half from the writer's strike, Kripke made the timeline move around a lot and he's been quoted as saying that because of S3 and the lower ratings S4 was gonna be the last one. But S4 has AWESOME ratings and things are looking up SO COME ON NETWORK. But Kripke won't drag this show out just for the sake of it, (i.e Smallville, One Tree Hill, anyone?), he wants the show to end with a bang and be awesome. And I love Kripke for that, I don't want it to just drag and drag and drag on and fans be so utterly disgusted by the time it withers away and dies. I would rather it end with a precise, awesome ending.
BUT I DON'T WANT S4 TO BE THE END. I need time to get used to the idea. I want a whole season of watching each new episode with fascination and my utter fangirling and the get to relish in my breakdown after each one's end thinking that it is just one more episode closer to an end. I don't want to wake up with only three/four episodes left to see Jensen as Dean Winchester, and Jared as Sam Winchester. I need time to adapt, I need time to cry, I need time to be angry and yell and watch each season back to back to back over the course of just a couple days.
I know this doesn't really relate to anyone, that most people don't understand. But this is my /show/, these are my /boys/, and once they leave it will mark another time in my life where I have to grow up. The Winchesters taught me that yeah, its okay to be afraid of the dark because it truly is a scary and dangerous place, but to not let that fear get to you and fight back all the things that try to rip apart your life. The Winchesters taught me that family is everything, and to let people know you love them as often as you can, because you might think you have all the time in the world to tell the person you love that you're proud of them, that you'd die for them, that you can't live without them, but the next thing you know, they're gone. The Winchesters taught me a lot. I've been with this show since junior year of high school, and I feel like its been a transition from my kid self to who I am now. Sam and Dean grow up in the show, they evolve and change during the seasons, I think so have I.
And even more than that. I don't want the life beyond the show to end. Yeah, I'll miss the whole community of writers and fangirls in fandom, but I mean. For Jared and Jensen's sake.
"Whether it's them as BFF's or boyfriends, I just. NEED THEM. TOGETHER. I need them to be friends forever and wreaking havoc and raising a ruckus well on into their years. I need them to grow old together and sit in rocking chairs on their front porches and talk about the SPN days of yore and cackle and hug and thump each other in the back of the head.
I need fic of them falling for each other for the first time, sweet and secret schmoopy kisses. I need my friends who indulge me in thinking it could happen. I need convention reports and shenanigans, anecdotes of movie dates and bar fights, of being there for each other (or in lieu, sending in the Jensen Ackles MIA Emergency Squad™). I need their laughter, their unnecessary touching. I need their stupid FACES next to each other. Always.
I just need them to BE. They are precious and perfect and truly an example of honest love, no matter what color lenses you're looking at the world through." <-- Exactly that. I can't even express how I feel about it, but I FEEL THAT.