✦ A P P L I C A T I O N ✧ ⟾ ビヨンド バースデイ ⟾ neo_rpg

Jul 19, 2009 13:53


Name/Nickname: Levi
Journal: avians
Email: 16.9floz [at] gmail [dot] com
IMs (AIM/MSN/YIM): [ AIM ] advertising levi [ MSN ] and.yet [at] live [dot] com
Timezone: EST

Name: Beyond Birthday
Age: 18-20 years.
Series: Death Note: Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Point of canon to be drawn in: August 21st, 2002 -- the night before he meets with Naomi at the Pasadena apartment complex.
Preferred level: Terra, in some warehouse or other.

Appearance: A few notes about Beyond's appearance: 1.) In art, his eyes are red. This is not an accurate view of him by other characters; it is an artistic representation of his shinigami eyes. To no character would or should his eyes appear red. His eyes, with contacts in, are dark grey, to emulate L. Without contacts, they should still be black, as there is no reason to disbelieve his claim that he is "Nihon" (Japanese) as Naomi Misora does not disbelieve it. His hair is a natural jet black. He is very thin, and a few inches taller than L (as L is in canon 5'10", this should make B 6'0" to 6'2". I have him in between, as 6'1"). The circles under his eyes are not even ninety percent the darkness of L's -- he wears make-up for this, and while he does have slightly noticeable undereye circles, the resemblance to L in this is make-up and not natural. He is described as wearing a "plain shirt," which could be any manner of plain shirt, but for the purpose of emulating L's appearance has the highest likelihood of being a white, long-sleeved shirt.

Personality: Beyond has never been mentally sound. Driven insane by his congenital shinigami eyes, his innate and unstoppable ability to see the names and death dates of everyone around him, immerses him in death as one of the few realities he is capable of realizing. He is naturally extremely intelligent, so with or without his shinigami eyes he is very sharp and capable of planning well in advance, and with utter precision. His mimicry of L not a factor, he is not a man prone to emotional closeness -- why bother, when every time you see the face of someone you care for you are unable to stop counting down to the date they will no longer be with you? He is detached and cold, at least on a person-to-person basis-- or he attempts to and prefers to believe himself to be detached and cold.

His time at Wammy's House was not conducive to creating a functioning member of society from the raw material that arrived. He and A were never truly expected to attain the L code, and when so many other children were taken in, to widen the pool as much as possible, B must have realized this to be true. When he realized how hopelessly insane he is, which would have been early on (a basic-level study of psychology would have led B to the conclusive self-diagnosis of psychopathy) the point must have been driven home, right to the quick. Whether he was close with A or not, genuinely or on a rival or colleague basis, A's suicide seems to have been a trigger for him to fully give up attempting to live up to the L code and take a different route. He would erase his existence and live only in memories, and L is the only person whose death date he doesn't know, cannot see. L to B is more of an abstract concept than a living, breathing human being. L was a goal. L was an indirect mentor. L was the deity of Wammy's House. Living forever in L's memory would be a natural solution to someone who believed in the deaths of everyone but L.

Unable to live up to such expectations, however shaky, B has a severe inferiority complex. However, having received training to become the greatest defender of justice in his century has done nothing but confuse him, subconsciously at least. Knowing death dates, he has no real interest in taking lives, as without his interference his victims would still be dead by the end of the day. He twists this to his advantage, and his defense. None of his victims died conscious -- he drugged them before any harm was inflicted. While he clearly has no real respect for humans, he has no real qualms with them, either. They are simply tools to be used to his advantage, as he is no simple, mere human. His inability to see his own date of death causes him to wonder if he will die at all, though not often.

Beyond does not condone violence, though his opinions on murder are a very grey area -- if the person is fated to die that day, he does not see that it much matters, especially as applied to himself -- every one of his victims was unconscious at the time of death, so he does not see himself even as having caused unnecessary pain. However, the thought of inflicting pain upon another person is uncomfortable to him due in part to the expectation, however brief, that he would become the pinnacle of justice enforcement. Essentially, therefore, he excuses himself from actions that in others unsettle him deeply, much more than his own unsettle him. However, he is not above exaggerating his insanity to hide his discomfort with his own crimes; he exaggerates to even himself, practicing his maniacal laughter. Beyond is insane, but more than capable of differentiating between right and wrong, or "correct and unjust." While he claims to Naomi Misora that the murder of a child is exactly the same degree, ethically, as the murder of an adult, he can't help but have degrees of his own morality, and feel grey areas regarding murder. His degrees of law-morality, however, adhere to the degrees stipulated in charges (first-degree murder, rape, etc.). This is his own psychopathy.

Besides "insane," "confused," or "misdirected," Beyond can easily be summed up with one adjective: "devoted." His devotion is not easily won, and certainly not easily admitted to on his part, but devoted he is. Despite his decision and steps taken to surpass L, he still harbors -- though at this point a dormant form of -- intense hero-worship for the detective, his code, and the actions he knows of, cases he's solved. Because of his decision, the steps he takes to mimic a man he has never laid eyes on are carried out as exactly as possible, the precision a ritual. L is almost a safe subject to be devoted to; he is the closest being to Beyond that will never die. Even if L were to die, B would never know, never be told, especially after having left Wammy's House. L is absolute, L is L is L is, to Beyond, God.

He's put so much of himself into erasing his own existence that if asked his own preferences, he would be truly unable to answer beyond "I cannot remember." If he does not eat jam in ways he knows disturb Naomi Misora (deliberately, so he can be certain that she is speaking about him to L, no one eats jam like that), or coffee that is sugared to an unnecessary point, anything else he eats is deliberate for another reason -- meat or eggs for protein, fruit for natural sugars, bread for carbohydrates, potatoes for starch, and so on. He has no real preferences of his own, not at this point, and sees most of his own actions as a means to an end. For himself he does everything for the sake of function. He showers, for example, often and thoroughly not because he dislikes feeling gross, but to avoid illness as much as possible.

On his own, he is willing to help and assist others, especially if he has developed, for whatever reason, an attachment to them, from behind his own masks (those naturally developed and not, as he feels bitterly against L, those of miles of distance, voice filters, human shields, and so on). He is also more than capable of physically assisting, but will remain emotionally distant. His easiest trigger is the subject of L: anyone putting him down he immediately dislikes, at best; any comparisons can either inflate him with pride or deflate him to the point of extreme anger depending on their respective positivity or negativity; and his biggest pride is in that he, unlike L, is the kind of person to aggressively seek his own information, and not wait for it to be brought to him by others.

Abilities: Supernatural: Beyond was born with Shinigami Eyes, or Eyes of the Death God. His vision allows him to see the name and lifespan of any human being whose face he sees -- not only allows, but forces him to. This is an ability he is unable to cease using.

Natural: Beyond's natural talents are extreme intelligence-- inasmuch as logic, mathematics, psychology and puzzle/problem-solving are concerned. He has top researching skills, and is an above-average hacker, though not top-tier with it. He is good at linguistic analysis, but his knowledge of languages other than English, Japanese and French is at a solely analytic level, meaning he's not fluent in them but could probably figure out the gist of what someone is saying given enough time to do so. He is extremely creative, a talent he can put to use in any field-- logical, artistic, or otherwise, regardless of his actual knowledge regarding them, his creativity, drive, and research skills would override a lack of initial knowledge.

B is relatively good at taking the lives of others, despite his view that it's easy for him because he's only taken lives that were going to end at that time regardless of his interference. He is perfectly capable of one-on-one combat, but doesn't fight for the sake of fighting. He can hotwire and drive a car, and is a top-notch actor, taking on whatever role will get him what he wants.

History: Beyond Birthday was born with a unique ability in addition to naturally elevated intelligence; he is capable of seeing the name and lifespan of any human being whose face he sees. More than capable of it: he is unable to not see these things. He never needs anyone to introduce themselves, except to gain knowledge of any aliases they may be using. He knows when every human being he looks over will die.

His childhood was largely uneventful and relatively normal, despite learning at an early age to detach himself from every person, up to his time at Wammy's House, an orphanage primarily for the purpose of creating a pool of possible successors to the L code -- L, the greatest detective in the world, of the century. After the deaths of his parents -- his father the victim of a violent attack, and his mother of a train crash -- "Beyond" was taken in at the House and referred to as "B." The second Child of the House; the second attempt; the second prototype, and the second failure.

The first failure was "A," the first child of Wammy's House. Soon after A's suicide, B, the second failed prototype, parted ways with Wammy's House, fully aware he would not attain the L code, fully aware he would never be L. Instead, he left with a firm, unbreakable decision: to surpass, not become, L. He would provide L with an unsolvable case, a challenge. When he won, he would be superior to L; not just a match, or an equal. Superior. "B was the top, and L was the bottom -- L would grovel at B's feet. The copy would surpass the original." The backup would become the primary.

His plan to do so, surpass L, was intricate, careful, precise and exact. To become the world's greatest criminal, it would have had to be. Before any crimes were committed, he sent a warning to the LAPD in the form of a crossword, the answer to which was the address of the first murder, nearly unsolvable but by the world's greatest, sharpest mind. This alerted L more than it did the police, who dismissed it as a prank. L's solving of the puzzle came too late, however; his "information-gathering network" did not obtain it until the third murder's passing. The crossword was never meant to be a genuine warning, but to serve as a way to mock L, and show him what B was capable of logically. This done, Beyond began his actual crimes. Nine days after the crossword puzzle was received and dismissed by the LAPD, Beyond strangled his first victim from behind: Believe Bridesmaid, and nailed four "Wara Ningyo," a type of voodoo doll, to each wall. His second murder manifested in a girl named Quarter Queen, four days later; beaten to death, eyes crushed and three Wara Ningyo on the walls. Nine days lapsed before the third victim, Backyard Bottomslash, died from blood loss. Two Wara Ningyo.

L figured that one more murder would occur due to the killer's apparent need to nail at least one doll to the wall at each crime scene. Additionally, the murder would not have obviously been B's crime -- and for if not all, most of the way through the case L was perfectly aware that the murderer was B from Wammy's House -- and therefore B would have no reason to commit it, which he would not have -- B didn't murder his victims to murder them. He murdered them for the sake of his challenge to L. L's time to solve the case as it was still occurring, then, was drawing to a close. Enlisting the assistance of Naomi Misora, L began to investigate, and B began his game in earnest.

He emulated what he knew about L's appearance, despite never having laid eyes on the detective before -- of course, or he would have immediately known his name -- and literally lay in wait, under the victim's bed, for the appearance of Misora at the first crime scene. Having been "trained" to succeed L, Beyond had a fairly accurate grasp on the detective's methods, and was aware that someone would be sent to seek hidden messages at the crime scene. He would be there to assist, carefully and cautiously guiding her through the clues and messages he had left at each scene, always giving her the impression that the deductions were her own, or at least jointly discovered, to evade if not suspicion, outright, validated suspicion. He "tested" her worth to act as L's eyes by physically attacking her in daylight, and discovered upon this action that her fighting style was capoeira. He had no intention of attempting to take her life, knowing from the numbers that made up her lifespan that he would be unable to kill her. He managed, in their interactions, to repulse her: his mannerisms -- the slouching, bad posture, manner of sitting, his way of crawling around the crime scene -- meant to mimic L's -- are grating at best. These are, so I believe, not his natural mannerisms, however: they are meant to upset Naomi Misora to the point where she would speak to L regarding them.

Guiding her through each crime scene's clues, he reached the great finale of his plan: the fourth victim. This victim, unbeknown to anyone -- but possibly suspected by L, as he urgently requested Naomi to catch the killer at all costs -- was himself. He planned to commit suicide by fire, filling numerous criteria of his own: the mutilation of his body; the disappearance of the killer L is seeking, thus effectively removing his ability to solve the LABB case; the alliterative name, the appropriate numbers (in regard to the puzzles he's set up, not his own invisible lifespan), and the erasing of his existence anywhere but in L's memory. Haunting him forever as the one case he was unable to solve. Naomi and Beyond make a plan to meet at the earlier time dictated by the killer and split into the possible targeted apartments, B taking the man's and Naomi taking the woman's. It is at this point that his canon history will end.

False memories: Born to a wealthy couple in Elysium, Beyond Birthday had a fairly uneventful childhood and was neither spoiled nor neglected. His easy beginning took a sharp turn when his father, a dabbler in unsavory activities, was beaten to death during the last of his many trips to the depths of the Abyss. It was at this point that Beyond learned the red numbers he saw floating over the heads of everyone other than himself were lifespans, and that everyone he loved would die. He counted down the days of his mother as she moved them out of Elysium and down to Terra; he had no idea, but she knew his father had been killed out of spite toward his status. Beyond did his best to distance himself from his mother, though she doted on him and put forth a hundred percent of her effort into protecting him; homeschooling him instead of sending him to a public or private school for the three years before her own death in a train crash. Beyond was immediately taken in at Wammy's House at the age of nine and trained to succeed L, developing all his canon complexes. At nineteen he left with his canon challenge to prove his superiority to L, though he has yet to begin as he is still gathering the information of his victims -- his criteria for his victims is similar: alliterative names from BB to QQ to BB (and then himself, BB), applicable death dates, he plans to kill them the same ways.

Sample journal posts: Transportation is very much different here, I have not failed to notice. I refuse to allow it to present itself as an obstacle, however.

Running is wonderful exercise, after all.

Sample role-playing post: Onomatopoeia was something that never failed to amuse him, he mused, splashing through the flooded streets to seek refuge in his warehouse room. It had never sounded as though it would be voiced as "splash" to him, but a linguistic consensus was a linguistic consensus.

Verbs, though -- action verbs that were not related to an attempt to vocalize inanimate sounds -- oh, he liked running over those as he acted them out. A quick succession of decisions brought him to end his loping stride and break into a sprint toward the warehouse, now in view.

When he reached the entrance, he stopped and gingerly placed his hands in his pockets. Beyond Birthday flexed his fingers. He raised his face and gave the raining sky a curious expression, as though he was about to ask it a question. As though it would answer an inquiry from him.

Who knew? It might, he considered, finally pushing open the door with the toe of his sneaker.

☖beyond birthday, ☆application

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