ch-ch-chat logs!

Dec 02, 2010 01:04


CinnabarDrake 12:09 am
...have you watched/played Peacewalker?
athene1miranda 12:10 am
i have indeed played PW. FOR ABOUT 200 HOURS.
CinnabarDrake 12:10 am
...seriously, WOW
okay so I need to know
CinnabarDrake 12:11 am
did you spend every second of the time Coldman spent on screen saying, "You idiot, of *course* the Americans will launch nukes if they think someone's attacking them!"
or is it just me?
athene1miranda 12:12 am
idk, i wasn't paying much attention to him :-) srsly he was SO not well-done :/
CinnabarDrake 12:13 am
yeah, very flat as far as MGS villains go.
CinnabarDrake 12:14 am
and his whole point that a country who thinks they're being attacked with nukes will refuse to retaliate because of a lack of guts? Come on.
we don't need an AI to make that kind of descision, humans are bastards enough XD
also Strangelove's voice bugs me :/
athene1miranda 12:17 am
how so?
CinnabarDrake 12:17 am
I don't know. I usually like British accents
athene1miranda 12:18 am
it bugs me because she says she's from Manchester and from the voice that doesn't seem likely. XD maybe she went to boarding school or something
but yeah, it's just TOO MUCH elocution, especially for someone from the north
(though Fly and me both grew up in Lancs and neither of us really sound like it)
CinnabarDrake 12:19 am
CinnabarDrake 12:19 am
yeah, I thought it sounded off somehow, but couldn't figure out why
athene1miranda 12:20 am
you know what really bugs me? FANON LIQUID'S VOICE :/
specifically; in canon, Liquid only swears once - he says 'damn' when the Hind goes down. that's it. from fanon, you would never know this. *facepalm* it's Solid, not Liquid, who says 'damn' and 'hell' constantly.
CinnabarDrake 12:21 am
really? I hadn't noticed him curse much, in fanfic.
athene1miranda 12:22 am
RPers are worse about it. some fic writers are really good with him, but some get it SO WRONG
CinnabarDrake 12:22 am
ah. I have a really low tolerance for bad-fic, so I doubt I've read anything that's gotten it really wrong.
athene1miranda 12:23 am
XD right
CinnabarDrake 12:23 am
and I've never rped in the MGS fandom.
I actually haven't read very many Liquid fics, come to think of it.
There's Redux, and Dahne's fics...and that's all I can think of.
CinnabarDrake 12:23 am
he doesn't seem very popular, for a vaguely gay British bad guy.
athene1miranda 12:23 am
Dahne wrote an ADORABLE Liquid/Otacon fic once - i hope you've read it
CinnabarDrake 12:24 am
I have! It was part of the inspiration for Mirror Ocean!
athene1miranda 12:24 am
there's one really amazing Liquid/Otacon/Solid pwp.........
that's the other odd thing - how is Liquid 'vaguely gay'?
CinnabarDrake 12:24 am
the one where they have a bet doing to see if Hal can tell the difference between them while blindfolded? that was cute XD
athene1miranda 12:24 am
i feel it's partly masculinity being lost in translation
CinnabarDrake 12:25 am
well, Cam Clarke IS gay. He's done gay rewrites of various songs, apparently.
athene1miranda 12:25 am
he has. would you like to hear them? :-)
CinnabarDrake 12:25 am
and there's also the way Liquid keeps taking Solid's shirt off.
sure! XD
also, sorry to say, but to American ears ALL British men sound kinda gay.
CinnabarDrake 12:25 am
it's just a thing, I don't know. We're weird.
athene1miranda 12:27 am
i'd say overall his behaviour towards Snake is less gay than Fox's XD and, yeah, that's kinda what i was getting at; he's framed as a gay man because he's not an american man and encountering that attitude in fandoms (not just MGS fandom obv) kinda weirds me out
CinnabarDrake 12:27 am
Fox is so far past "kinda" gay I can't even think of a word for it XD
athene1miranda 12:28 am
i tend to go with 'so in love with Solid Snake i don't even'
CinnabarDrake 12:28 am
I can totally see where you're coming from there. About the cultural thing, I mean. It's not very fair to either gay men or British men, really.
also yes XD Their love is so pure. And voilent. XD
athene1miranda 12:30 am
i'm not sure it's fair to straight american guys either - it's like they're perpetually trying to divide everything into 'gay' and 'not gay' and making sure that they and only they are permitted to enter the second category. MUST BE EXHAUSTING.
okay, have .rar'd!
CinnabarDrake 12:30 am
oh my GOD I hate it when they do this in fiction
athene1miranda 12:31 am
CinnabarDrake 12:31 am
after BB pulls all the tapes out of the Boss AI's pod, it still continues to broadcast the signal making America think its about to be nuked
and Strangelove is all "sometimes after the brain dies, the body continues to live" or something like that
CinnabarDrake 12:32 am
and ahjkfhks huge pet peeve
computers don't work like that
athene1miranda 12:32 am have a very good point there
CinnabarDrake 12:33 am
and I mean hell, when you see reflexive motions in organisms it's because of a signal that left the brain BEFORE it was destroyed
destroyed brain = no more signals
CinnabarDrake 12:34 am
oh god they aren't going to say Peacewalker's been possessed by the Boss or something aren't they
oh thank god it's just the second pod
even though that's still technically impossible because the reptile pod wasn't programmed to do that ahjfkds
(leaves to go put laundry in the washer, brb)
athene1miranda 12:36 am
weird animal-machine analogies anyway
athene1miranda 12:37 am
you should meta about this!


On a side note, she's right. American men ARE obsessed with dividing everything into gay and not-gay. It's mostly straight guys that do it deliberately, of course, but it's just so PERVASIVE that it's hard not to pick up on it. Especially when you got home from work like, an hour ago and am too tired to choose your words more carefully. My GOD did I actually say that to her? I can't believe I actually said that, that was so rude...The men in your country sound kind of gay, god...

Actually, saying Peacewalker was actually possessed by the Boss would have been kind of cool.

man, it sucks that you haven't finished Stray, cause there is totally a quote from the second half the story that applies to this situation
It doesn't work that way! Nothing works that way! Do you even know what you're talking about?
<--- just one of many reasons why Esau is the best OC in the fandom, bar none
athene1miranda 12:41 am
ahahha, that sounds awesome
athene1miranda 12:42 am
doesn't it apply to all Kojima things ever?
CinnabarDrake 12:42 am
this after Otacon went into this long highly technical explanation in which he compared an anti chaff-nanoboosted signal to antibodies, and that was why Esau and Adamska had to nail wires to the clifface like a big symbolic tree
...oh god, I totally just became aware of an another layer of symbolism in that sequence
Dahne is GOOD.
athene1miranda 12:43 am
i am reminded of the computer viruses are just like reteroviruses problem in MGS4
CinnabarDrake 12:43 am
heh, yes

Adamska tries to hang himself from the big symbolic wire-tree ---> Symbolic of Odin? Means he's following in the footsteps of Big Boss? He IS taking on the role that belonged to Solid Snake in the previous universe. Also, if Big Boss is heir to the Boss, then by becoming the heir of Big Boss Adamska is in fact embracing his heritage, as a son of the Boss. Interesting twist; the Boss sacrificed her love for the Sorrow and Naked Snake in order to do her duty, while Adamska sacrifices his duty to the Philosopatriots for the sake of his love for Hal.

On a side note, going back and rereading pre-MGS4 stories can really break your brain if you try to twist it around so it fits with the new canon. Stray could conceivably be canon-compliant, since we're never told in-story what the Patriots actually are, just that they use VR to train hyper-manipulative child operatives and Big Boss thought he was "holding them off," but really they had him in their pocket until Adamska showed up. We don't even see Dr. Clark on-screen, just one of his/her subordinates. It could work.

On a side, side note, trying to imagine a cyborg Ocelot can really break your brain. What would they have trained him to be, a cyborg cowboy? With like, a six-gun that shoots lasers like that one guy from Empowered or something? Scratch that, that'd be awesome
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