Путин о Боинге

Jun 20, 2015 21:53

С опозданием на три часа, в ночь с 19 на 20 июня в Президентской библиотеке имени Б.Н.Ельцина состоялась встреча В. Путина с руководителями ведущих мировых информационных агентств.

© Михаил Метцель/ТАСС

Из репортажа Reuters, раздел PARALLEL VIEWS:

In the interview he placed blame for the Ukraine crisis squarely on the Kiev government and the West. "It was a coup d'état, an armed seizure of power," he said, referring to last year's revolt that ousted a Moscow-backed Ukrainian president.

Only Western pressure on Kiev for a political settlement that gives substantial autonomy to Ukraine's Russian-speaking east and amnesty to rebel fighters will resolve the crisis, he said, adding: "We are against solving issues by force."

That smacks of duplicity to Western leaders who say the Russian military is covertly fighting in Ukraine alongside the separatists. Putin stoutly denies that.

As for Western suspicions that the separatists used a Russian missile to shoot down a civilian airliner last summer, albeit probably by accident, Putin says he's seen evidence the missile might have penetrated the plane's tail section with a trajectory indicating it came from Ukrainian government forces.

It's like two parallel views of reality, never intersecting, but Putin seems to revel in every rebuttal.

Из репортажа Associated Press:

Asked about the downing of a Malaysia Airlines plane over eastern Ukraine last July that killed all 298 people on board and triggered the toughening of Western sanctions, Putin said it's necessary to wait for the conclusions of the Dutch Safety Board, which is investigating the crash.

Controversy continues over who downed the airliner. Ukraine and the West suspect it was destroyed by a Russian surface-to-air missile fired by Russian soldiers or Russia-backed separatist rebels fighting in the area. Russia denies that.

Putin referred to an unofficial report alleging that the damage to the Malaysian airliner could have been inflicted by a missile launched from the area held by Ukrainian forces at the time.
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