Он дал политическую оценку действиям РФ и призвал ЕС быть единым.
Имхо, главная надежда и главная опасность для будущего в :
а) Суд по УД по МН17,
б) приведение РФ к признанию ответственности за МН17 через разные механизмы,
- в единстве ЕС.
в речи Рютте много слов о том, что «мы должны быть едины» и в абзаце о РФ и вообще в речи.
The mere fact that we work together, that we’re embedded in this Union, makes us stronger, safer and more effective. More and more, I’ve come to view the EU in that light.
It’s something we in the Netherlands felt in the aftermath of the downing of flight MH17 in 2014, and yet again after the decision to hold Russia accountable for its part in it.
The EU united behind us, jointly calling for Russia to accept responsibility and cooperate with efforts to establish the truth, and achieve justice and accountability.
We are grateful for the support and unity shown by this Union.
Russia’s continued denial, its baseless criticism of the investigation and its obstruction of the truth are a stark reminder of how much we depend on all parties uniting to achieve justice for the victims and their loved ones.
And of the importance of upholding an international, rules-based system aimed at fostering peace and justice.
So today I stand before you with a real sense of urgency.
Because recent developments make it very clear that we cannot take our way of life, our way of doing business or our way of conducting international relations for granted.
The multilateral order is being challenged in a way that we haven’t seen in decades, and the geopolitical balance of power is shifting.
This global dimension of Europe’s future is the first thing I’d like to highlight today.
Because if we want to be able to act, if we want to determine our own future, Europe must stand united.
Now, more than ever.
We must deal with the fact that Russia has chosen to distance itself from its neighbours in the West.
With the ongoing conflict in Syria, and the arc of instability around Europe.