Hello Beautiful World!

Oct 24, 2007 15:49

Apparently my last entry is dated June 3rd.

Indeed how time flies!

Since last entry have done the following, among a long list of other, half as interesting activities: failed to complete my script frenzy due to my inevitable arrival at a nine week Russian immersion program, survived nine weeks of social turmoil, bad food, and vodka at said program, returned to college, realized I dislike painting significantly, dropped my studio art major and decided to major in Russian, became a Russian major, decided to drop Russian major and become studio major, in moment of brilliant and perhaps drug induced revelation decided to double major, carved Harry Potter themed pumpkins with magical people, went on severe five hour canoe trip with more magical people, removed gluten, soy and dairy from my diet at suggestion of doctor, just defied doctor's order by eating very tempting brownie, and just lost the game. Damn.

Am writing this entry primarily to prepare myself mentally for upcoming BEST THING EVER aka Nanowrimo. This will apparently be my sixth year of participating in this endeavor that distantly resembles communal ritual suicide. Have managed to survive five years, hopefully will endure sixth. One never knows, however I am sure that I will have an easier time this year than I will in 2008, considering that then I shall be writing from RUSSIA.

Hello, Russia. Be my friend please.

One more week of sanity, enjoy it while it lasts!

And because Dinosaur comics are severely, severely amazing.
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