
Apr 11, 2006 23:16

It's official: I am stupid. Yes. Incredibly stupid. That's the only way that might explain why I agreed to take over a lecture at university for the upcoming semester. It's not that I am bored or something. Or have too much free time. I should have known that holding a lecture involves lots of preparation. And, of course, stupid me threw out all the notes from my old university job before we moved *headdesk*

But I must admit that it is fun browsing through the old computational complexity textbooks, looking up proof-details ... *sigh* ... having to get up an hour earlier than usual, on the other hand, is not ... That's what you get for being stupid.

But I'll stop complaining now.

Last weekend, we finally managed to buy a carpet for our living room. We drove to Berlin to do so. At the new place, we failed miserably. We managed to find only one shop that sells carpets AND that was open when we went there. But they only sold cheap crap. The other shops were either closed by the time we got there (Saturday is the only day we can go shopping for such things, so why do those shops close at 4pm on a Saturday? It's not as if we hire a car every weekend just to go carpet-shopping ... WTF) or we didn't manage to find the shop at all (one supposed carpet shop turned out as a gas station ...).

Anyway. Now we not only have new sofas, but a nice new carpet to go with them. Our living room almost looks like a living room now ...

And on a completely different topic: Sharpe movies are educational. And extremely helpful if you have to deal with people coming from Yorkshire. Today I sat in a 6 hour meeting with a guy with a Yorkshire accent almost as thick as Sharpe's ... except for the swearing. Withouth the "Sharpe"-training, they would have lost me after half an hour at the latest.
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