The did not and do not have children. Angels arde indeed interesting. For example, in Judeo Christian tradition angels were never created . They simply existed from the moment of creation,in their full population, and have never increased or decreased in population. Want to torment a fundamentalist ? Ask them to show you chapter and verse in scripture where angels were created, yet they are present at the creation of man, the sealing of the Garden and many other things. If God created all things major such as land sky , water,animals, man and plants, where did these "foot soldiers" come from ? And furthermore why is the grand battle between the "good "angels and he "bad "angels that determined who was a demon, how Lucifer came into power and so forth never mentioned, yet the rite of Exorcism in the Roman Catholic church deals with the removal of these out of no where demons -i.e.fallen angels, and there is no record of their creation ? It's a good question to pose at cocktail parties, or if you choose to shake up a spouse well versed in Christian scripture. Gets em every time.
By the way, lap dancing with angels is a bratty term I use for Christian Music ministry commitments. The thought kind of makes me laugh hysterically.
On the angels though, according to some early sources, some of them did have children, fathering them on humans (see 10th Choir), creating a race of monsters and giants.
Later on, the church decided that angels didn't have gender.
The church likes to decide all sorts of things. At one point they decided Gabriel had done something wrong (I forget at the moment) so he went to Hell for a while. Then sometime later, they "rehabilitated" him and he was reinstated in Heaven.
Angels have a rather convoluted history. And of course they pre-date Christianity, so why not have an interesting history? :)
That is the point- if they reproduced with human the offspring is neither truly angelic or human. It is something entirely different- my speculation would be that is was the origin for the advertising geniuses who like to convince the world that they need this, OR the realm of inhabitants that collect and covet those single mismatched socks that wind up in the dryer.Something has to want them, as there seems to be an endless supply of them created !
In chapter 6 of Genesis, it describes the angels ("the sons of God") taking mortal women ("the daughters of men") as wives. Their offspring were the Nephilim.
For example, in Judeo Christian tradition angels were never created.
Psalm 148: "Praise ye him, all his angels, praise ye him, all his hosts...Praise the name of the Lord. For he spoke, and they were made: he commanded, and they were created."
And furthermore why is the grand battle between the "good "angels and he "bad "angels that determined who was a demon, how Lucifer came into power and so forth never mentioned, yet the rite of Exorcism in the Roman Catholic church deals with the removal of these out of no where demons -i.e.fallen angels, and there is no record of their creation ?
But it is mentioned...just not in your King James version. :) The Book of Enoch, while not considered a canonical text, does talk specifically of fallen angels (though it cites Azrael as their leader, not Lucifer). Enoch, along with several mentions here and there throughout the Old and New Testaments, were pieced together to form Christian belief about Lucifer becoming Satan.
Read the Bible cover to cover, and the only mention of Lilith you'll find (Isaiah 34:14) doesn't say anything about her being the wife of Adam and all that. (In fact, you won't see her mentioned in the Bible at all unless you read Isaiah in Hebrew.) That doesn't mean the whole story was pulled out of Jerry Falwell's ass. There were lots and lots of scriptures that were not included in the final compilation known today as the Holy Bible.
Just a technical hair splitting point- Psalms and proverbs are poetic books and not technically historical in approach, so if it is mentioned in psalms and not backed by any of the other historical books, it is a rather weak argument.While the battle is mentioned, the creation of Angels never is. They simply appear in future writing. Consider that Genesis takes rather great pains in citing all major things created in the world but leaves out when and how angels were created, and you get some very interesting theological knotwork. Never created but consistently there at all the high points. Curious, no ? Lilith is another field day. Her history and story comes from older Jewish texts that never became part of the shared 5 books between Christian and Jewish tradition (The Pentateuch- which make up the first 5 books of the bible and the Torah) Lillith is best found in what has come to be known as The Talumed.
And yes there are millions of books not included in "christian" scripture. Why ? One word- Constantine. The first man in history to have both the money and the power to say "I want a complete official body of work on my desk by Monday at 5 pm, and anyone who is on my shit list will not be allowed to represent". And that's how we got the "official" cannon of scripture. That is at least until they decided Hebrew was not an official language, which held till it was decided Greek was missing something, which changed when latin became the It Girl, only to be bitch slapped by French as the way to go, then back to Latin and then English. Scripture is a fun thing to follow.
By the way, lap dancing with angels is a bratty term I use for Christian Music ministry commitments. The thought kind of makes me laugh hysterically.
On the angels though, according to some early sources, some of them did have children, fathering them on humans (see 10th Choir), creating a race of monsters and giants.
Later on, the church decided that angels didn't have gender.
The church likes to decide all sorts of things. At one point they decided Gabriel had done something wrong (I forget at the moment) so he went to Hell for a while. Then sometime later, they "rehabilitated" him and he was reinstated in Heaven.
Angels have a rather convoluted history. And of course they pre-date Christianity, so why not have an interesting history? :)
In chapter 6 of Genesis, it describes the angels ("the sons of God") taking mortal women ("the daughters of men") as wives. Their offspring were the Nephilim.
For example, in Judeo Christian tradition angels were never created.
Psalm 148: "Praise ye him, all his angels, praise ye him, all his hosts...Praise the name of the Lord. For he spoke, and they were made: he commanded, and they were created."
And furthermore why is the grand battle between the "good "angels and he "bad "angels that determined who was a demon, how Lucifer came into power and so forth never mentioned, yet the rite of Exorcism in the Roman Catholic church deals with the removal of these out of no where demons -i.e.fallen angels, and there is no record of their creation ?
But it is mentioned...just not in your King James version. :) The Book of Enoch, while not considered a canonical text, does talk specifically of fallen angels (though it cites Azrael as their leader, not Lucifer). Enoch, along with several mentions here and there throughout the Old and New Testaments, were pieced together to form Christian belief about Lucifer becoming Satan.
Read the Bible cover to cover, and the only mention of Lilith you'll find (Isaiah 34:14) doesn't say anything about her being the wife of Adam and all that. (In fact, you won't see her mentioned in the Bible at all unless you read Isaiah in Hebrew.) That doesn't mean the whole story was pulled out of Jerry Falwell's ass. There were lots and lots of scriptures that were not included in the final compilation known today as the Holy Bible.
And yes there are millions of books not included in "christian" scripture. Why ? One word- Constantine. The first man in history to have both the money and the power to say "I want a complete official body of work on my desk by Monday at 5 pm, and anyone who is on my shit list will not be allowed to represent". And that's how we got the "official" cannon of scripture. That is at least until they decided Hebrew was not an official language, which held till it was decided Greek was missing something, which changed when latin became the It Girl, only to be bitch slapped by French as the way to go, then back to Latin and then English. Scripture is a fun thing to follow.
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