My legs ache like they have been put through a wood chipper and my arms feel like lead weights, but my brain is in this stupid "cleaning zone", and unless I force myself to stop I will keep going till I seriously tear a muscle or something. So I am luring my brain with the idea of writing about something sweet, cute, and a little disturbing
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For paraffin you could use a crockpot I think, just make sure to not touch the sides... I don't play guitar, so not a factor for me. I do garden and calluses can be useful there (different parts of the fingers), and for sewing too, but I'm singularly incapable of forming significant calluses.
I've read about the seaweed wraps and mud treatments, just never tried them. There are some truly bizarre things out there too -- one of our instructors brought in a brochure from a fancy spa out west. Beautiful place, but of course none of us would ever be clients there -- that's for rich and/or pseudo-rich people.
I think I'd like to meet the people who'd be working with me first. Although spa is different than the type of massage I used to go for. I had it as part of prep for some of my chiropractic adjustments, so that they would be able to do more effective adjustments -- I have some pretty tight muscles, mostly my body's own adjustments to dealing with physical deficiencies. Anyway, with medical massage I feel that they're just health professionals. I'm less sure of the spas -- some cities and/or states have very different requirements for training. My school for instance had training in professional and medical ethics.
But as an MT myself, I may be more relaxed about the medical type of massage. I'm not particularly interested in relaxation massage, as I can get that plus some deep tissue work from my sweetie at home.
Hm. I wonder how I would feel about strangers giving me a facial? Even for the massage at the chiropractor's office, I knew all of them because we were co-workers. Kind of important because we all had some things we were better at than others, so you made appts. if possible with whoever was most appropriate. My favs were the one who were also energy workers like me.
Your idea for your treatment sounds like a winner to me :)
I think with me the thing with other people touching me isn't so much a matter of trust, but more because I have been manhandled to death by my son. We were very attachment style parents when he was younger, including wearing him in a sling, family bed till he was 7 and so forth. As a result he is a very touchy feely kind of kid, and eventually you kind of get this big thing about personal space. It seems to have gone slowly from "mom needs a break" to Please don't touch me ! Phoenix is the only one who it does not bother me ( I think it is because we see each other as combat zone buddies or something). So end result is anything that would involve touch from people other than him is very distasteful to me. I often wonder if this is something that other attachment parenting moms go through later in life. No one talks much about that it seems.
Interesting thoughts on touching. I agree on how personal space can be eroded and the reactions we can have to protect what we have. Well, that may change over time. But since there's no real need for a spa of that sort, no worries, eh? Although I do like to go to the hot tubs once in a while.... no other people required for that :)
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