(no subject)

Dec 31, 2010 04:11

BARRY: So, what's this about a girl?
WALLY: ...girl?
BARRY: Come on, you didn't really think I wouldn't catch eventually.
WALLY: Wait, were you snooping through my stuff again?
BARRY: Didn't have to. You smile more than usual, you run with a skip in your step, there's gotta be a girl. Also found a receipt from the florist in the trash.
WALLY: Oh, rats. Well what do you want to know?
BARRY: You know. What's she like?
WALLY: Well, for one, she's different from all the others.
BARRY: Yeah?
WALLY: Yeah.
BARRY: Is that it?
WALLY: Uh...
BARRY: Okay, I guess I'll find out myself.
WALLY: No! It's just. She's smart and independent. A good strategist. She's so cute even she tries to hide it, which makes her even cuter, and she likes pink. But she's not a girly-girl.
BARRY: So she's a superhero too, eh? Well why didn't you tell me before?
WALLY: To be honest,  I'm not sure if I like her for the right reasons.
BARRY: If this is a matter between thinking with your brain or thinking with your...
WALLY: No, it's not like that! It's just that... let's just say she's going through a rough time right now. I want to help her, but I don't know whether I should be Kid Flash to her... or just Wally. Have you ever had this problem?
BARRY: You mean, you don't know where the superhero'ing ends. And where loving someone begins.
WALLY: I never said-anyway, when you say it like that, it seems so easy because they're like two completely separate things.
BARRY: Yeah. But in reality it's not.
WALLY: Yeah.
BARRY: Well, it's unlike you to be so unsure about things. You must really like this girl.
WALLY: Yeah I guess I do.
BARRY: The best advice I can give to you is to let her move at her own pace. Try to be there for her, but don't push it.
WALLY: That's it?
BARRY: Wally, I know for us speedsters, having to slow down for the others is a pain in the ass already, but I'll tell you... when there's a woman involved, slowing down is not an option. But it'll be worth it.
WALLY: If you say so. I hope so.
BARRY: Any chance I'll meet your mystery girl soon?
WALLY: Didn't you just tell me to let her move at her own pace? You'll meet her when she's ready.
BARRY: Ha! Touché.

fandom: teen titans

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