For me the world is a cloud of hazy this week. It's this damned cold. The strange thing is I don't feel particularly sick (which was why I held out so much hope that it was just allergies). From time to time, though, I get that wave of tired that is usually related to being sick. Last night, I stayed up only long enough to watch half a disc of Big Bang Theory's third season. Then I zonked. For nearly 11 hours. And when the alarm went off, I still felt like I could keep sleeping... maybe all day.
There's a strong possibility that tonight will be another night spent sleeping instead of anything else. (Sunday will be a massive Hulu day, because 7 shows showed up today.)
National Novel Writing Month: I'm officially going to the kick-off. I'm going to arrive a little early to help set up. I'll probably stay later to help clean up as well. I'm planning to make some buttons to take along. Probably something along the lines of stuff I've done before: 50k or bust, Write With Me, or some other such nonsense. It will make reference to National Novel Writing Month without using those words. Prolly more like Austin Penguins, which is our local NaNoWriMo group name.
I think I'm going to shoot for at least 75k as my win-point again. With a "let's hope" goal of 100k. I think that's a reasonable goal, don't you? 2500 words a day minimum, with 3334 words a day to make the "let's hope" goal. No vacation is being planned this year, so that won't get in the way. Of course, I won't be taking off November 1 like I usually try to. This new schedule at work prevents it. Not much else is different, though... so I expect this to be relatively smooth sailing.
I don't have anything else I want to talk about today. That makes this a good place to stop. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Dear Journal.