The agenda:
- Edit fb2006
- Release fb2006
- Show notes for fb2006
- Edit SA028
- Release SA028
- Write the next part of the ESP
- Come up with my half of the notes for RBR003
I got to see the movie I wanted, The Last Airbender. It was just as good as I had hoped it would be. It covers the first season of the animated Nickelodeon series, which I recently acquired on DVD. I'm going to enjoy that.
I know that in yesterday's entry I said that my post-podcast time would have to be spent writing, but it turned out that there was a Hulu show that was to expire last night. If I didn't watch it then, it would be gone forever. (That would prolly be for the best, really, as far behind as I am in watching stuff.) Thus, I watched Persons Unknown instead of writing. And then I went to bed, because I have been a sleepy flick all week.
My goal tonight is to ignore munchkin for a little while and write my part of the ESP. That's assuming she even decides to come tonight. It's been rainy all week because of Hurricane Alex. With munchkin being a weather wimp, she may just cancel. (If she does, I don't have to ignore her to get my writing done.)
That's pretty much it for me today. Movie day doesn't tend to give me much to talk about except the movie, and I said all I wanted to say on that topic when we recorded last night. (You'll be able to hear it in about a year and a half. I wish I was kidding about that.)
Oh, and the reason there is an entry today? Walker took the day off to go see Eclipse, and so she had a day off for the July 4 weekend. Since it falls on a Sunday, we State employees aren't given a day off for Independence Day this year. I'm okay with that, I guess, but some people take a day off anyway.
I'll talk to you Monday, Dear Journal.