Last night I engaged in a little bit of "shopping therapy" to chase away the whiny. Okay, in truth the whiny was partly brought on by the planned shopping trip to begin with.
You see, yesterday saw the release of Ultimate Alliance 2, the sequel to the very first game I bought for my Playstation 3. In the first game, the heroes of the Marvel Universe banded together to thwart Doctor Doom, who had enlisted the most evil villains Marvel has ever known in his latest bid to conquer the world.
When this sequel starts, our heroes are once again battling the forces of Latveria -- this time its elected Prime Minister -- in a Secret War. (Unlike the first UA, this one seems to incorporate semi-recent comic storylines into it.) So far, all I've done is the Secret War, but another element of the game (which saddens me, because I'll have to go against my beloved Spider-Man) is the Civil War, in which hero faced off against hero over an expansion of the Mutant Registry Act -- one which encompasses all super heroes and would require them to expose their secret identities.
I'm about 5 years behind on my comics reading, so I haven't actually read the Civil War mini-series yet. I do know how it ended (thanks to spoilerific press releases put out by Marvel) and that it led into a couple of really good Spider-Man stories (as he was Pro-Registration and revealed his identity in a press conference).
Anyway, my point, I guess, is that I don't know how direct a translation of the Civil War it's going to be. (Prolly not very, because from the look of things, whichever side you take will impact how the game's story goes. I could be wrong, though.) I anticipate playing through the game at least twice -- once on the Anti side, since that's where my true loyalty lies (sorry, Spidey!), and once on the Pro side to see how it varies.
The plan was:
- After work, go to GameStop, buy Ultimate Alliance 2 and (if they had it cheap-like) Rampage: Total Destruction.
- Go to Arby's for something resembling supper.
- Go home.
What actually happened was:
- After work, go to GameStop, buy Ultimate Alliance 2 and Rampage: Total Destruction, PLUS the UA2 game guide.
- Go to Arby's for something resembling supper.
- Eat too much.
- Go to Borders.
- Buy three completely unnecessary books.
- Spend too much time finding those unnecessary books.
- Go home significantly later than intended.
I knew that last night I would spend most of the evening playing UA2. No editing would be done at all. I knew it, I was prepared for it, and life would go on. Monday night I had no such excuse. I could easily have spent the majority of Monday evening with my editing software booted up. I could have had Spoiler Alert #14 completely (or at least mostly) finished.
(Hence yesterday's whine-fest.)
It's true that the only person who can make me edit stares at me in the mirror with groggy eyes when I brush my hair each morning. He's also the person to blame for my not editing. Therefore he really doesn't have the right to come to my journal and whine when the editing doesn't get done. My podcasts won't edit themselves, and acting like they will only leads to more whining.
Easy words to type when I'm not currently faced with the 3-hour monster and the temptation of much shiny entertainment. Shiny seems to win at least 90% of the time.
With that said, I don't want to commit to a particular plan for tonight. I have three things asking for my attention: UA2, the five episodes of Merlin that will expire on Hulu in three days, and of course... that 3-hour monster.
What I would like to see happen is to watch two (or three) Merlin episodes and spend the rest of the night in heavy-duty editing mode. And by heavy-duty, I really mean it. Get one of the 15-minute sessions out of the way and the entirety of SA014. And hopefully still have enough time left to do another ep of show notes.
(This is Darren living in a fantasy world. You know that, right?)
By not committing to a course of action right now, I'm not setting myself up for failure when I turn on UA2 when I get home and then realize it's midnight.
I'm just saying.
I'll try to let you know tomorrow how it goes.