Sep 22, 2005 18:47
I Jessica Lynne absolutely LOATHE drama. With a passion. Drama needs to be shot.
I just dont understand how so much shit and get flipped around so easily. People just need to keep their mouths shut and stop talking shit. Why is it that people (esp. girls) get so much enjoyment out of making fun of other people or just talking shit. I dont understand. Dont get me wrong... it's not like I have never done it so I am not being hypocritical here because I have. But everyone does... and thats the problem.. EVERYONE does. I hate it. I hate it about myself I hate it about everyone. I just hate not knowing whether people who are supposed to be your friends are talking about you or not. And I hate that I know I didnt say anything last night and now it got flipped into that I did. I cant take it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really cant!