[ Testing the voice ] Nelson's w/ Chris Skelton

Dec 31, 2010 02:50

"Oi, Chris!"

Ray tips his chair back, leans into Chris' right side, and gestures to the telly with the lit end of his cigarette. He's not speaking particularly loudly, but he isn't trying to be quiet either.

"Which would you say is better: football season, or sex?"

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themanclion December 31 2010, 21:35:10 UTC
'Not a fair question, Raymondo.'

Gene barrels out of the door from the gents, a fag dangling from his lips.

'He's only got workin' knowledge of football. Nelson, another pint if you'd be so kind.'

Drink acquired (and Chris's expression ignored), he drops himself into the chair opposite.


flickedmethevs December 31 2010, 21:58:19 UTC
He laughs boisterously.

"It's the only thing you can count on havin' at least once a week, am I right, Guv?"


themanclion December 31 2010, 22:03:18 UTC
'Maybe in your sad, sex-starved world, Raymondo.'

He has drink and looks smug. What? He is married. Can't count on it every week if the missus isn't involved but stick her into the equation and he's golden.

'What happened t'that tart you were boffin' that worked down the Odeon? Couldn' buy my popcorn off her with a straight face, knowin' you'd had your greasy paws all over her.'


flickedmethevs January 1 2011, 00:33:42 UTC
He irons out the grin on his face and downright pouts.

"Yeah, well."

He flicks ash from the end of his cigarette.

"Wasn't the only one, as it 'appens. That fadge 'ad seen more Yankee knobs than Buckingham Palace."


themanclion January 1 2011, 19:49:04 UTC
'Oh well, didn' see that one comin'.'

He rolls his eyes and slumps back in his seat, lounging comfortably.

'You got another one on th' go now?'

Ray's a bigger slapper than any of the girls he picks up.

Good man.


flickedmethevs January 2 2011, 22:37:14 UTC
"That makes one of us. She actually suggested a threesome."

He arches his eyebrows.


"Didn't rumble 'er meanin' until we'd settled on there bein' a Ray sandwich."

He takes a pissy pull off his ciggy, but shortly his mouth turns out a lopsided grin.

"'Course I 'ave! Since when 'ave you ever known me to have one woman?"


themanclion January 2 2011, 22:45:11 UTC
Gene's eyebrows hit the ceiling in a matter of split-seconds and he's not lounging now, leaning forward to look at his DS intently.

'What, a threesome with another bird?'

He has to clarify. The suggestion that it might have been with a bloke just doesn't bear thinking about.


flickedmethevs January 2 2011, 23:22:51 UTC
Ray rolls his cig between his fingers, and shoots the Guv a blank look.

"I wish. No, some smarmy tosser she met off the pub over on Grosvenor."


"I said no.."


themanclion January 2 2011, 23:29:49 UTC
He stares. He stares in a manner that suggests he's about to either laugh himself to death or demote his DS for clearly being one of them closet poofs.

'I should bloody well 'ope you said no, you div.'

Honestly, what is wrong with these lads? He sometimes finds it hard to believe Ray's the same age as him.

'How, in the name of all things holy, did you manage not t'notice she was suggestin' turnin' you into a dart board to be stabbed by her poofter mate?'


flickedmethevs January 2 2011, 23:39:41 UTC
He stares back, affronted.

"'ow was I supposed to know? You've seen 'er friend at the ticket booth, always chattin' each other up."

He half-shrugs.

"I thought, you know...

"Point is, I'm not a poofter! You can't deck a bird for suggestin' it, though."

Can you?


themanclion January 2 2011, 23:46:03 UTC
'Are you havin' me on!? Bird suggests a thing like that then...'

Gene stops short, pulls a face and picks up his pint.

'...no, you can't. But you can bloody lay one on th' bloke tha' was up for it though.'

Because manly manliness must be observed at all times and almost accidentally having gay sex means that heterosexuality should certainly be firmly established at the ealiest possible opportunity. Preferably with fists and then football and pints, in whatever order seems right.


flickedmethevs January 3 2011, 07:17:22 UTC
"Too right, I did!"

He leans back in his seat and puffs out his chest.

"The pissy queen won't be breathin' out of 'is nose for a week, if that. Got myself out of there, told the dozy bint she could find 'er own way 'ome. And that's why you don't see me at the Odeon twice a week anymore."

He takes another hard pull off his cigarette and chases it with half his pint for good measure. He's no poofter.


themanclion January 4 2011, 22:40:08 UTC
'Good man.'

He Approves of this behaviour. Serves the poncey bastard right.

'If you feel the need to show her what's what, send plod 'round when she's at work to give her a talkin' to about something. That should teach her to keep her clever ideas to herself in future.'


flickedmethevs January 4 2011, 22:50:31 UTC

Ray laughs, looking the picture of a kid on Christmas. If naughty kids ever got presents, that is.


themanclion January 4 2011, 22:52:37 UTC
Gene gives one of his short nods, a slight pout in place. Doesn't even need to think about it.

''course. About time they did somethin' useful anyway. They'll probably be chuffed t'do anythin' that isn' writin' bloody parkin' tickets.'


flickedmethevs January 24 2011, 07:34:07 UTC

He nods, taking this seriously.

"But, uh -- what should I tell them she's done?"


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