Nov 23, 2007 20:05
I was just at Costco and after my mom and I finished shopping we went to the little resturant thing they have and at the table beside us I kept hearing this mother talking to her daughter who happened to be named Serena. It's kind of creepy seeing 2 Serena's in a dayO_o
And then some more school stuff.
In learning Strategies and math we had supply teachers. The one in Learning strat. was pretty dumb and didn't really know anything, she kept asking the other teacher who teaches in that room. Then no one would listen to the math teacher.
We had to do some graphs and they were all saying "We already did this!" even after I checked and we hadn't done them*eye roll*
And this one guy kept calling everyone a "retard" or "fag" It was so annoying!
And then this really rude girl was being a total bitch to me!
Her:Do you like[name of boy]?
Her:Do you like[name of a different boy]?
Her:Do you like anybody in this class?
Her:Are you a lesbian then?
AGGGGHHHH!!!! I actually don't have a crush on any boys I've met at ECI!!! It's so annoying people always asking if I have a crush on someone because I DON'T!!!!