So First Dancing With The Stars
All day long yesterday I was thinking Marie Osmond was getting voted off so then the episode starts and the host goes "The first couple to dance in the finals is..." and my mom goes "Marie and Jonathan," so I'm like "It won't be her," but the host goes "Marie and Jonathan!" So then I was all excited! I can't wait to see her freestyle dance!:D
And now the annoying stuff.
I got my report card and I'm annoyed my drama mark was 83. I know it's a high mark but I wish it was higher! I think the problem is, is that there is a whole bunch of people in my drama class who are just taking the course to get an arts credit while there are other people(like me) who actually enjoy acting and whenever we get put into groups for performances I end up in a group with people who are just taking it for a credit.
But I'm happy my overall average was 80%!
And the rest is going under a cut.
My friend's Amanda, Chelsea and Megan started this club a few weeks ago called S.I.G.H(Smoking Is Gonna Hurt)and before official meetings started I asked if I could join and they said "No!" and when I asked why they said their friend Ryan would drop out and they didn't want that. So than I wasn't planning on joining but one day at lunch the vice principal came up to us at lunch and they were talking about it and the VP said to me "Your joining right?" and then since the VP actually asked me join(Kind of:P) I said I would be there(The meeting was going to be in a few days)but I don't think Chelsea, Megan and Amanda were paying attention. They didn't say anything to me at the meeting really.
Then today I reminded them we had a meeting and Megan goes "Ryan's not joining now becuase you joined!" and her and Chelsea got really pissed off saying stuff like "Amanda's mad that you joined, Now that Ryan's not joining niether are his friend's so we lost a ton a members blahblahblah" and I replied "Well the club is for anyone to join," and they just replied with something rude(I can't remember what it was) So I said "He can still join, he doesn't have to talk to me at the meetings," and Megan(or it might have been Chelsea) goes "He Doesn't want to ever see you!" I'm sorry Nicole I know you like them but I cannot stand them anymore! There always saying rude stuff to me and acting mean to me.
I thought that all the drama(Such as
this) was over since we have all be getting along great this year. I guess not...
I don't want to stop going to the meetings since the VP would get suspicious and I don't know what I'm going to do!