Last night I had a super weird dream. I was on some sort of school camping trip thing and we had to make these skits or dances or something like that. The people who worked at the camp site were helping us create them and the person my group had was Maksim Chmerkovskiy who is one of the pro dancers on Dancing With The Stars XD. (here's a picture of him)
We were working on the skits outdoors and suddenly these weird bug things showed up and everyone ran away screaming and Maksim had disapeared by then. I woke up when we were all running away and when I woke up I was kicking the covers LOL.
I went shopping today at Dufferin Mall and I haven't been there for a few years. It is totally different now! It looks much nicer and they have better stores, including a H&M! Plus a Tim Horton's XD.
And I have a interview thing with Joy Bryant taped up on my wall. It was right when she became a Covergirl model/spokesperson and she reccomends this lip gloss. I bought the lip gloss today and it's pretty good!