Oct 26, 2009 16:20
Okay, I'm kinda scared about school. Today I got a 2/27 on a biology quiz. WTF IS WRONG WITH ME? I did study for it but this unit we're doing right now is confusing. I know I shouldn't worry since it's still the beginning of the year and there's still plenty of chances to raise my mark. Plus my teacher did say this is probably the hardest unit so I shouldn't worry but I am freaking out a tiny bit. The next unit is dissections and parts of the body and stuff like that and that stuff is easier than what we're doing now (genetics) so hopefully I pass this course. I'll be happy if I pass with a 50%. I don't plan to do anything science related after high school and I just need a 3rd science credit so I'm just hoping I pass at the end of the year. I guess I just have to study my ass off for the unit test. I remember last year I was barely passing science at the beginning of the year and had a 67 by June so there's still hope, lol.
There's really nothing new or exciting with me going on so sorry if I don't update for awhile. I hope you all had a nice weekend and have a good week!
school: science