Wow, LJ has been kinda dead today:P
I've got nothing new to report. It's a long weekend but I've done nothing exciting. Yesterday I just lounged around and today I went to Starbucks, went to the bank and went to Wal-Mart. Kind of a blah day.
But I called
nialyjoy today and she told me she might be in the neighborhood tomorrow and that if she is, she'll stop by so hopefully she comes and visits me!
Anyway, the real reason I posted is because I have a question. I only have an mp3 player but I'm thinking of getting an ipod. My cousin says they're so much better than an mp3 player. I was using her ipod nano in PEI and I agree. My mp3 player currently holds 117 songs and obviously I have way more songs than that saved on my computer and on CD's. Best Buy and Wal-Mart have the one I want for $160.00. Is it a good investment? Or should I look for a cheaper one? I have enough money for it, I'm just curious. It's the 8GB ipod nano I'm interested in.