Feeling better

Jul 20, 2007 10:25

Went to Olin yesterday, and she decided to take blood to test liver, kidneys, and some antibody.  She put me on a diet (no dairy products, no high fat foods, no alcohol).  Of course all I feel like eating now is a few slices of cheese, a very large steak and a beer.  Lol

My blood tests came back normal, which is good.  But if I'm still having problems after I add back the dairy products and fats I have to get an ultrasound on my gallbladder.  Eek.

Melissa had something similar, and said it lasted 7 days.  I'm feeling better today, but don't know if it's because it's day 6 or 7, or if it's because I haven't been eating dairy products and many fats.  Water, tea, bananas, toast, and chicken rice soup for me...  no wonder I feel like eating a very large steak.

The good news is being sick over the past week has sent me well on my way to quitting smoking.  So as much as being sick sucks, I guess theres a benefit to this 'bug' I had.
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