Still raining.
Actually, it wasn't too bad yesterday, and we even managed to get a bit of sunshine:
I also finally got Mike to make the new shelf for the DVDs in the living room, and moved the old one to the study, and thus managed to finish unpacking the books (yay!), with room to spare (wow!).
(Why on earth is it not possible to have equally-spaced, DVD-height shelves with Billy? Very silly. I'm sure that we managed it with the old-width half-height ones that we used to use for the DVDs.)
(We do need another shelf, but
bohemiancoast is hopefully going to bring us one tomorrow. And, of course, we now have two spare shelves from the old one, so if anyone wants a couple of 60cm Birch Billy shelves then shout. We also have half a dozen spare 40cm shelves, because the height extensions inexplicably came with an extra shelf.)
The only things that we now still need to unpack are the games, which just got dumped in the library: we have the shelves to put them on, but the old built-in wardrobe needs to come out to make room for them. Nearly there. Then we can think about decorating....
Today, I gave Mike a heart made out wool and twigs:
He seemed to like it, once he stopped being bemused.
I Pilated this morning, but am feeling a bit grotty. That, plus the weather, means that the pooch isn't getting a proper walk today. I just took her out in the hay field, with the Next Door dogs (as they're out for the day). She was very confused, as I put them on leads to walk along the road and she wasn't sure if she was supposed to come with us or not, but once she got out there they all had fun running around: I'm sure that Jodie got more exercise than she would have if they weren't there, so that was good.
The boys did get an hour or so in the field, after yesterday's wind dried it out a bit, which was good: we went and put them out before they'd really finished their breakfast, and got them back in after mucking out, before we went off to Ashford and it started raining. Once the Baby realised what was going on (ie, when he was practically at the gate and had thus lulled Mike into a false sense of security) he Objected Strongly, and went charging around the field. GB joined in for a bit then came back over to me and went "oops, she caught me, guess I'll have to stop now". They've made a bloody mess out there, which we'll need to go and sort out at some point, but we're almost glad that they did actually have a run around and throw their legs up a bit after days stuck inside.
In a little while, I'm going to have a second attempt at getting my hair cut. I'm a little suspicious, as the town the hairdresser is in has been quite moist (and they stopped people from parking on the main road, which is always full of cars), but when I phoned a little while ago she seemed to think that I'd be able to drive through it, and park, with no problems. We think that the closed road at this end is easily avoidable, too, but I'll be leaving plenty of time just in case.
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