I've been getting increasingly annoyed with the R4 Christmas trails: a collection of clips from Christmas programming, followed by the direction to check the R4 website for more details. The website doesn't have more details, as far as I can see, other than the full schedules. One of them was Dead Ringers doing The Reunion, and searching for Dead Ringers got me the schedule (yay, a whole new season! And it looks like it's in the Friday evening slot, so it might even make it onto the podcast).
I was sure I heard David Sedaris in one of them, so I did a search of the R4 programme: nothing. I did manage to find it by doing a search of the whole BBC website (11:30 on Christmas Eve), though, so I suppose that that's ok?
But it would be nice to know what the other things, the ones that I couldn't immediately identify them from a five second clip, a) are and b) will be on. Fortunately, Google has provided: there is indeed a page listing the
highlights, which I'm glad that I've finally found. Why the hell isn't it linked to from the R4 front page, though?
(And Good Omens, natch, but why on earth is it on so late at night?)
(Super Home Front on Friday, though!)
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