45 minutes before the woman arrived to look at Baby, inevitably, the drain guy finally called to say he'd be with us in half an hour. Fifteen minutes later, the dishwasher guy called to ask if he was supposed to drive through the gate with the cows on the other side of it to get to us. Oh, and Mike realised that he had a work meeting half an hour after she was due.
Dishwasher guy was first, and then drain guy. This was pretty good timing, as it turned out: some poking about by drain guy revealed a pipe with an opening for his pokey stick in the porch, but the first few times he tried it came out of the dishwasher drain rather than the sink. Still, he managed to get it sorted pretty quickly and headed on his way. While I was in the house seeing what was going on ("Is there a problem? Why did he leave so quickly?"), horse girl arrived, with an older friend, and we showed her Baby for a bit. Dishwasher guy decided that it was the circuit board, not the heater, and went away to order a new one: three to five days.
We tacked Baby up and I tasked Mike with taking GB back up to the field, so that he could watch while we were riding. A few minutes later, Mike lead Baby out to the school while I caught GB and took him to the field.
Baby obliged me with a lovely canter, first time, in the good direction, and a less good one the second time in the bad one. Embarrassingly for everyone, horse girl (who retrains difficult horses for a living) couldn't get him to canter for her. It was generally agreed that he's got a lovely nature and beautiful paces but was a bit green. We suggested that they bring her other half down to try it out (possibly with one of her horses as well, so that they could try a little hack), so we'll see what comes of it.
Still, at least my sink works, now. And Mike knows how to fix it if it blocks up again (although he's also bought things that you stick down the plug holes to continuously release enzymes, which should help stop it from happening again).
And Esme's hiccups have stopped.
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