This morning, we took the boys and Jo out for a hack (GB seemed ok, which is good. He seemed mostly ok yesterday, but started to be a bit off when he was getting tired), and then I headed off to the station to go to London.
I met up with Erik for (fishy, as it happened) lunch, and then we went to see
a Steve Reich concert, which was pretty good. Clapping Music seemed a bit less crisp than the last time I saw it, but then that was a few years ago and was his 75th birthday concert, so I suppose he's allowed. The second of the three pieces with instruments was my favourite, I think.
In a 'not what you'd expect from me' moment, I was a bit miffed by something, though. I did vaguely think, part way through, that it was a little odd and a bit of a shame that there weren't any women in the six musicians (excluding the composer). I was then initially pleased and later rather annoyed when a woman appeared for the last piece: she was there to turn pages for one of the pianists. Given that only four of the musicians were in the final piece, it did rather look as though the two not in it felt that turning pages was beneath them and they'd better get a girl in to do it instead....
Horrible drive home, sheeting rain and in the dark. Still, made it ok, and now back with a pleased pooch!
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