Jun 12, 2005 12:57
although i have never seen starwars...i had a dream last nite that i was on that planet that they are on or go to or soemthing...but the planet was my house..
i was walking in the entryway and then my mom screams "a wookie!" and then i look out the back window and there is one on our deck. except i dont know what a wookie is, but this one looked like chewbacka(or some other crazy spelling) ...and he had a gun and was shooting at me so i got on the floor and rolled over to the window and pressed myself up agains the wall, but he walked right up to hte wall and kept shooting me...and a little blue square wasa on my back where he had shot...and it really hurt. then i stood up and was confused acuse i was alive...then i went around hte house screaming "turn off all the lights! turn off all the lights!" thinking that they could see our heat signatures. but as i think about this now, if we turned off the lights, wouldnt it be easier to see us? im dumb in dreams
so then i ran upstairs and my dad was fixing dave's bed or something, but he was watching starwars on tv, it had commercials and that made me angry cause i was trying to watch it to find out what would happen to me. but i kept telling everyone to turn off the lights. but my dumb older sister who was sitting on the front couch downstairs (it was the old one we had for some reason) and she kept turning it on and calling people saying she had to see to talk. all i could do was scream at her, but it didnt help so i said "then let chewbacka laser you to death" and she was like "let me finish my call first" ...weird
but i was half awake at this point and thinking "am i really dreaming about starwars" and i was upset because i didnt know what to do because i havent seen the movies yet...so i didnt know how to end my dream
then i went to move my feet and i fell of the bed...its an airmatress that looses air really,really really easily...so in the middle of the nite i wake up and i feel like im in between fat folds of something massive because im stuck in the middle and there is airmatress surrounding me...its no fun and i should get a real bed but ill only be here for hte summer
so i woke up and really wanted a soft pretzel, but it was only 1030 so i opted for reading livejournals instead