Jul 28, 2010 16:33
So, I had my interview at York. York is a lovely place, full of amazing architecture, and the shopping part all looks like Diagon Alley, in the sense that most of the streets are rather twisty and such. The interview definately went better than Manchester. I was made to feel more welcome here, I think, and I felt more confident. Whether I actually have got a place there, I don't know (there is some worry about the amount of chemistry I've done in my degree, though they did mention something about deferring my place and giving me a 6 month chemistry booster course if they still wanted me there but there wasn't enough chemistry.). I think if I did get the offer I'd be happy there, which is good. So fingers crossed. I shan't take it too personally if I don't though, because the other two people at interview were lovely too.
Room is still a tip. But I've unpacked more so that's good. Mum's getting anxious, but then she's also the alarm-clock-bane of my life at the moment.
Am seeing the boy tomorrow. Get to go shopping (by myself, which is a blessing, because I feel slightly mental during breaks in courses and the like. My brother's the social one. I'm the one that rarely sticks my head above the parapet, and when I do it's normally with a squeaky voice than a shout.) and then see him. It'll be the first time in a little while that we've actually spent time alone together (I say little while, I mean two weeks. It's really not that long at all). I kinda want to enjoy it. :D
And for the first time in ages, I have a weekend off work (woohoooooooo!). And next monday, I'm off to London's West End, to watch some musicals!