May 03, 2004 21:41
Wut up??? I haven't written in a while. I just got home from my four day trip to New York City. It was Awesome. We arrived Friday Night, it was a night filled with geeking out. It's phone having an Arab wait on u at you're Hotel, because you know I understand their fucken language. If you come to America, Learn English!!!!! we had fun goofing on him though. Saturday i went to Six Flags Great Adventure!It was awesome, but i got so fried in the sun. We went on seven roller coasters, way to many for my brain to handle(I know have permant damage. The best roller coasters were Superman(Flying Coaster), Nitro ( 233 ft high), and Robin and Chiller( goes 0 to 70 in a second); the worst rollercoaster was Great American Scream Machine(Now i understand the name because you scream with agony, and Medusa was good but i really couldn't feel anything on it hahahahaha. Sunday was a day spent in New York City. We went and seen Ground Zero and i bought all the pictures hahaha, then we went and seen the statue of Liberty and also witnessed the filming of NYPD Blue, we went to the wax musuem and thought we saw the real life Star Samuel L Jackson but turned out to be a waxed figure, Then we went and seen the Broadway show CHICAGO. There was only a few standing seats left so we bought them but one of the workers got us all $100 orchistra seats for free!!! Then we went shopping down by the wicked scetch people...I got a $50,000 gucci watch hahahaha for $20, i got a shirt that reads:
"I'm not an Alchoholic
Alcohlics go to meetings"
and another shirt that says:
"I can only please one person each day.
Today is not your day
tomorrow foesn't look good either."
So on monday i had my Walt Disney Audition, there was ninety people there. They made a cut after every dance, i made it to the end. There was only five people left and i was one of them, they are supposed to call us within two weeks because they have to birng us before the disney I never want to ride another bus in my life, most people in new york are mean...Don't ask for information from the people that get paid to answer your questions(They get heated, even though they get paid to do it. I'm happy to be home even though i had an awesome time.