We had a tea party at my house yesterday. It was delightful. I hope to have another before the term ends. And I hope to have yet another when I go home for the summer. And then maybe some more when school starts again in the fall.
Dana reads poetry whenever she drinks tea. It is the best thing ever.
Heh, I'm the only one who followed the 40s/50s theme.
The Orange Couch is love.
Again with the poetry. It is magical.
Craig wore argyle. It makes me happy.
Sometimes I am in love with my eyebrows. This is one of those times.
Most ridiculous picture of me ever? I think so.
I finally understand why Devika thinks squishing our faces and telling us to stick out our tongues is so adorable.
I wish the garbage bin wasn't in this picture, but I suppose it is still rather pretty.
This is what happens when I get bored with my knitting.
I destroy peoples' faces with my size six double pointed knitting needles.
We're kind of going out of order here. We've now switched from Monica's camera to Terra's.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, James Engberg did show up and my tea party. He wasn't dressed for the occasion, but he was here.
Somehow April managed to look drunk and all she was drinking was tea. Oh, wait, no, lies. She also had some apple cider (not spiked, thanks) and told me not to tell anyone. For shame.
I love pictures like this.
Sarah and I have been dancing a lot in my living room lately.
Greatest picture of all time? I think so. I feel like this is "speak no evil, eat no evil, see no evil." Or eat no matzo because I think that stuff tastes like crap.
I am in love with Terra's dress.
I think Ari took this and a couple others, but I'm not sure which pictures the others are. Sarah was Margot Tennenbaum (sp times a million) for the length of her stay at the party.
Sarah is leaving the party, but the rest of us stuck around for more tea, cookies, chocolate frosting, lemon curd, cucumber sandwiches, chocolate eggs, candy orange slices, candied ginger, and . . . matzo.