Tonight we welcome a newcomer to our family:
This collection of orange stripes comes to us from a household well accustomed to my habit of making LJ names for everyone, so we actually talked about names for a while (twice). Anyway, his name is Hobbes -- he seems to have the same dim view of human nature that the philosopher took, and the tiger stripes and sometimes mercurial temperament of the comic strip character, while his real name is also the name of a comic strip character. Good enough for me. :)
It's going to be interesting, integrating Hobbes. We haven't really done cat-to-cat introductions yet, so we don't know how that will go, and we know that our "parenting" style is going to be different than what he's been used to. One thing we do have is square footage, though, almost twice what he had in his last apartment, and I think that will help him relax.
We're a dual-income, three-cat household again!