Happy 3rd Birthday, LJ!

Feb 27, 2007 22:06

Its hard to believe tomorrow will make 3 full years since I started writing in my journal. It started off as a one time thing, believe it or not. I really only made it my senior year of college after the New Englands Championship Swim Meet as a way to write something about the 4 years I'd spent on the swim team. My buddy Frank, who was a freshman then, had kept up a live journal and updated it pretty frequently. I liked reading it, but I never thought I would create one for myself. I didn't really know what I wanted to write about and I didn't really know what kind of journal I wanted to keep. If you've been reading it for the past 3 years, you know that its gone through some changes. It started off as a way to say thank you to my fellow swimmers, and by the next day I'd already decided to start keeping a log of my daily happenings. When I moved to Florida I decided I should start concentrating on things that I knew for sure about the world and about myself. Then I moved into religion, and politics, and entertainment. Soon it became an online guidebook to whatever I was reading and what I thought about those books, and then it became more of a commentary on whatever I felt like writing about in general, sort of a comination of all of the above.

A good amount of my friends started writing their own versions of the journal but most of them have pretty much stopped writing in it with the exception of a few. I wish that they had all kept it up, although I myself have thought of stopping it from time to time. Its hard to keep up with, and hard to keep it interesting after 3 years. I'd hate to be called predictable, so I've limited entries to things that I really do think are funny or interesting or worth discusion. I really write it for me, because I like being able to look back through the archives and see whatever it was that I may have been doing on a particular day back in 2004, or 05 and so on. I'm not sure how much longer I will keep it up, but I do know that writing in it really is fun for me and I hope it continues to be fun for all of you who continue to read it 3 years later.

For those of you who have, here's a glimpse at what my very first entry looked like. Remember, it was just after New Englands and I only did it because there wasn't enough room in my AIM profile to say what I wanted to say. I hope you all enjoy this trip down memory lane!

Bears on Three!!!                   February 28, 2004.

THANKS to everyone who has made my short lived time as a swimmer so awesome. It was absolutely the hardest mental and physical pain I have ever been through, but also the funnest and most rewarding experience I think I am going to have for a long time.

Here is a list of my favorite swim team memories:
DISCLAIMER: This list does NOT include spring breaks, springfest, summers, and other activities that occured in the off season with a few exceptions to a few listed items that are swim team related. These items were typed at my sole discretion. Thank you.

Year 1: "So flex, why don't you just try diving?" RED SHIRT! "So Steve, what do you look for in a girl?" - "Umm, Flexibility?" Captain Caruso! SOAKMAN!!!(what ever happened to him anyway?) "Kevin: "Dear JMadden, I'd like to bend you over and..." "STRETCH!"Me: "No I did not run around in my boxers. If I did, then WHAT COLOR BOXERS DID I WEAR? Jon: Red ones Me: YOU LOOKED IN MY UNDERWEAR DRAWER! Ah, good old Plunkets house. Scott: "No Flex, you may NOT get a tattoo; you are too indecisive." Coffee w/ Tim and Michelle! THE QUOTE BOARD!!!! MAURY POVICH BABY! BILL in New York: "OH MY GOD THERE'S A TV ON THE SIDE OF THAT BUILDING!!! 4 MILES = HOME TO THE SWIM TEAM. JRAY = the Best RA ever.
[Screen Names used this year] SjbatBsc,LLSTEVEJ, FlexnSteve, FlexinSteve,FlexingSteve, DiverFlex82

Year 2: Me: Umm, I guess I'll try swimming this year? Rudie:"Hi, I'm Rudie and this is my catch phrase: 'Are you fucking kidding me?' DP DOUGH WAR!!!!! Ugh, that was a lot of DP Dough. Halloween costumes for the guys: Pregnant Denim dress wearing sluts. Training trip to Florida! NO TRANSPORTATION but TONS of fun! Banks=party animal WELCOME BANKS! Yvonne's firing. Hi I'm Alison Curley and I'm a bad ass cause I'm from New York! HAHAH Jk CURLEY - LOVE YA! 4MILES IS STILL HOME TO THE SWIM TEAM! Michelle Sloane at New Englands: "LETS JUST GET THE FUCK BACK IN THERE AND SWIM BEFORE I FUCKING KILL SOMEONE" (paraphrased). YVONNE SAYS GOODBYE!!! CHRIS HAFFERTY DISAPEARS INTO THIN AIR!
[Screen names used this year] Diverflex82, Flexmaster82, LLSTEVEJ, Flex82

Year 3: "What? THEY WANNA FIGHT US? LETS CALL UP THE GUYS INCLUDING BRETT!" -Jon, Kevin, and I. Brett becomes head coach. PARTY AT RUDIES HOUSE! Halloween costumes for the guys: GHOSTBUSTERS!!!Tim's cartoon character man, Scott was God, and Jimbo wore a suit. Clark Kent maybe? Jimbo becomes our assistant volunteer coach. TRAINING "TRIP" to the apartments! ICE SKATING! Stack returns!!! YVONEE RETURNS ASAN OFFICIAL AT OUR MEETS!!!! Hello Coach Kelly! LANE 1 BABY!!! IM 21 AT LAST!!! The girls break more records!
Lindsay comes, breaks records, and leaves :( I get progressivly better as a swimmer.
[Screen Names used: Flex82, Dabears1324.]

Year 4: FRANK THE TANK MAKES A SWIM TEAM SPLASH! Bye bye Kelly, and HELLO Coach Steve - MEOW! LINDAY DEVEREUX RETURNS!!!Travis becomes my little buddy. LANE ONE BECOMES LANE SIX!!!! Third annual Halloween party!Costumes: marge simpson, pregnant nun, scott was something - i think jamacain. A cowboy, supermen, a metrosexual, and a two wizzards! Freshmen initiation (All year long, hahah fools). Training trip. BRRRR it was cold. NO HEAT in the apts! CHEERS TO THE BEST NEW ENGLANDS EVER!

Well I probably forgot a bunch of stuff and offended people who weren't listed, but oh well. Those are MY favorite memories. Gotta love the swim team. Thanks for a great 4 years.

Special thanks to:
Justin Bohannon: Not only were you a terrific friend and captain to me, but your enouragement and patience helped to make me want to try harder. The team hasn't been the same without you the last two years. You rock, and if we had big buddies back then - you would have been mine.

Jonathan Siladi: Ah, well you already know most of the stuff I would say because I've said it when I was drunk about a million times. No sense reading it here! (But great 4 years swimming man - I'll always remember how hairy you are)

Scott Allen: FRIEND SCOTT, CAPTAIN SCOTT, COACH SCOTT, ROOMMATE SCOTT. What is there to say - except I think its time for a new hair style. Im getting tired of that shaved head/5 o'cock shadow look that you've had going on. I know that shaving your head is easier and cheaper, but come on man; its time to grow it out and get a fade or something. Also, thanks for fixing my car, computer, and everything else. WE still do have to talk about what tattoo I am going to get...

Mike Caruso: Who else would forget their lisence on spring break in the middle of an isolated street on cape cod? You have definately been one of the funnest people to hang out with in my college eperience. Its good to know that you are doing so well for yourself. I'll see you online buddy!

Kevin Coulon: I still cant believe you sent an email to my professor telling her that i wanted to bend her over and well, you remember. lol. Anyway, thanks for showing me how to swim breast stroke - and for all the coffee. LETS MAKE THE REST OF THIS SEMESTER ROCK!!!

Shaunessy Egan: Shag - you are the best. Love ya! Enough said.

Kate: You freaking crack me up and always will. Much love to you and our GH convos. PS I don't like Carly's new hair color and I am also glad that zander was "killed" in the fire last week. Give your niece good background information when she is old enough to watch herself. :)

Lisa - Oh Lisa. First there was Downs, then there was Siladi. Then there was me (FRIENDSHIP KISS!) My oh my, lol. Good work in your time on the team and congarts on your success as a teacher.

Erin,Michelle, Sarah, Sarah, Jess, Kara - way to be hot! haha, miss you ladies. See you at julios sometime soon?

Annie - I love your dance moves. Great captaining and WAY TO BE AN AQUAIRIUS!

Michelle: Oh where do I begin with Michelle. Brutally honest, caring, sarcastic, meat loving (ahahha just kidding you vegetarian you!), firecracker. I love your zest for fun and your insight. Im so glad you came back to the team this year. You have certainly proved your courage and will. You da bomb!!!

Tim Daley: I am not going to say anything about Tim because he hates all things like this. In fact, while Mike Caruso is probably still wiping off the tears from these nice little messages to his best college friends, Tim has probably already stopped reading and gone to play Neopets. At any rate, no one has a better outlook on life and sense of humor than you do. I'm sure Michelle or someone will tell him that part. Missed ya on the pool deck this year tim!

Mike Rudie: I AM SO GLAD YOU RECOGNIZE GH FOR ITS OUTSTANDING WRITING AND ACTING AS WELL. You've quickly become one of my best friends in college and certianly are better dressed than scott, kevin, and Jon. (Except for when you went through that weird retro phaze with the bling bling and army shorts - keep those two things separate!) HAHA! Got you good you fucker!

Bill: Wow, you have a lot of tattoos. Scott won't let me get any. Do you have any suggestions???
PS i am still mad about what you did at plunkets party WITH A GIRL WHO SHALL REMAIN NAMELESS while i was sleeping. (No names will be given here as I am only mad at bill and no longer at the other party because she has made up for it by watching countless hours of GH with me. Oops, does that give it away?)

Kerri Harris: You damn hot. You so hot you make my mind melt. You so hot, oh wait, maybe Tim is reading this after all. HAHA JK TIMBO! Harris, you know you're the best. I miss having you in lane one, even though Im in lane 6 (as mentioned). haha, ps good cookin at the dinner party. Talk to you soon!

Seanna: Way to be Irish and be a good captain all at the same time. hahaha! just kidding!

Stack: YOu definately impressed me as a captain this year and I just have to say that you throw some pretty fun parties, lol. PS thanks for shaving my head man, lol. YOu are the first one to do that in over 5 years!!! Consider that a special treat!

Litchfield: You are going to make one killer video, I know that for sure. You have one of the brightest personalities on the team, and you are absoulutely lovely. Talk to you soon!

Lindsay: Way to keep breaking records. Ugh.

Travis: Way to be a great little buddy. I hardly had to worry about you. (Except for when we are going out somewhere. NEVER WEAR BROWN SHOES WITH BLACK PANTS AGAIN OR I WILL KNOCK YOU OUT)

Frank: What to say about Frank. Well first thanks for having an online Journal so that I could steal the idea just so I would have room to write all this out. Stupid AIM profiles and their character limitations. You rocked as a swimmer this year and your effort certianly paid off at the end. I'll definately miss lane 6 buddy! Keep that sense of humor and you just may be a best man at my wedding after all. (I think I'm up to 4 now)

Coach Brett Oteri: You have pushed me harder than any coach I have ever had. It paid off. As much as I hated working so hard at times, I'm glad I did because the results, to me, were outstanding. Coming in with no experience as a swimmer whatsoever and being able to get those times is something I will always remember and feel good about. I can say honestly that I am proud of the effort that I put into this sport. It has been the single hardest experience I have ever had. Thanks for your encouragment. I'll see you around Brett.

and Finally, Special Thanks To Coach Steve, Yvonne, Kelly, and Jimbo. You all kept me entertained in one way or another. (WINK TO KELLY)

Well thats all. Sorry if i didnt mention you and your feelings are hurt, but this was after all the SPECIAL THANKS TO section. If you would like honorable mention, please send a small donation C/O Stephen Boucher, Apartment 9A, Bridgewater State College, Bridgewater MA 02325.
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