Dear Yoda...

Jan 26, 2017 19:48

Thank you so very much for signing up for this exchange and thanks in advance for the gift that you're making for me. I already know I'm going to love it, because Star Wars is my first fannish love. I saw Episode IV in the cinema when I was four years old, so I pretty much imprinted on the thing like a duckling.

Anything that gives me a little more time with these characters in their world is going to delight and thrill me. So really, the pressure is off. Write a story that you enjoy writing, and I know that I will love reading it. I've watched the original trilogy a billion times, The Force Awakens about ten times, and Rogue One only twice. I'm not a stickler for every detail of canon.

My do-not wants list is super-short: first-person narration, incest, non-con, scat/watersports, child death or grievous injury, and misusing the words less and fewer.

My likes in stories is much broader: angst, UST, longing looks, long-repressed feelings that explode one day, kid fic, teamy goodness, found or chosen families, epistolary fic, hurt/comfort, broken people finding their way together, AUs that arise from roads not taken in canon, zombies, ghost stories, crazy decisions that are right even though they seem so very wrong, 2nd person narratives, porn that reveals more than just naked bodies, unreliable narrators, song fic, x+1 format, and backstories.

If you're going down the porn route (thank you, thank you, thank you), I am pretty vanilla. I like guys who take charge (but who are consent-ly about it). I'm cool with a little hair-pulling and light bondage. Cock's a great word, dick not so much. Pussy is fine, c--t not so much. I'm more interested in the feelings/emotions/undercurrents than a play-by-play.

And, if it helps, here are prompts for my requested relationships:

Bail Organa & Breha Organa & Leia Organa - I'm fascinated by how Leia grew up, what kind of relationship she had with her parents, whether she ever wondered about her birth parents. I imagine she was a handful as a child. Did her affinity for the Force ever manifest itself? I'd also be interested in a story of Leia's grieving after the destruction of Alderaan. I lost my mom two years ago, and I think it's a wound that never really heals.

Bail Organa & Leia Organa - Missing scene - I would love to see Bail sending Leia on her mission. Or a backstory using one of the prompts for the other relationship.

Cassian Andor & Jyn Erso & Chirrut Îmwe & Baze Malbus & Bodhi Rook & K-2SO - Rogue One made my year last year as surely as it broke my heart. I am okay with the ending. I know that the ending had to be the ending. But if you want to handwave and posit a different ending that gives the chance for teamy goodness and further adventures, I would be totally into it. I'd also enjoy any kind of missing scene.

Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso - Yeah, I ship them. Tell me what they said/did on the beach as the world was ending. Or give me an AU where they live. Do they still fight for the rebellion? Or do they hide somewhere and try to make a quiet life together. (FWIW, I imagine they'd struggle with an awful lot of survivor's guilt.)

Chirrut Îmwe/Baze Malbus - In my head, they are totally married. I want to know what their lives were like together. I want to know how they felt and what they did when Jedeh was invaded. If the course of their true love didn't run smooth, I want to know all about the speed bump. (So, in the spreadsheet, the relationship was listed with a / but in the sign-up form, I could only find it as an &. If you matched with me on this and you're more comfortable with gen, have no fear. I'm not looking for heavy slash, but I do think they're at the very least emotionally bonded. I'd be delighted with any thing that showed them having adventures and looking out for/taking care of each other. They don't have to be explicitly in love or anything.)

Chewbacca & Ben Solo - This comic has haunted me since I saw it shortly after the movie came out - - Give me more about any of the moments in the comic.

Leia Organa & Ben Solo | Kylo Ren - Tell me about how Ben broke his mother's heart, but how his mother still loves him. Tell me about Ben's early childhood. Tell me about Leia's worries. Tell me anything about this tragic backstory.

Chewbacca & Han Solo - I would love to know how Han and Chewie met. Were they always able to understand each other, or was there a learning curve? Tell me about a time when Chewie saved both their asses. (Or I'd love a story from Chewie's POV - does he know what a chancer Han is?)

Leia Organa/Han Solo - Umm, I would be totally okay with PWP. There have got to be quiet little cozy spots somewhere on Endor that would have some hot stories to tell, right? Alternatively, I'd love a slow-burn getting together fic for them. The original trilogy really irritated me, even as a kid, the way their courtship was essentially just them hurling insults at each other and her being the only woman in the entire galaxy.
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