Title: The Holy Elephant Gun Job, Part One
fleurlb Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Nate, Sophie, Parker, Hardison, Eliot, Dean and Sam Winchester, and Castiel
Word Count: 9,000
Spoilers: For Leverage - entire second season. For Supernatural - through 5.10
Warnings: Not really.
Disclaimer: I own nothing here and am just doing this for fun.
Summary: Castiel’s last-ditch effort to save the world from the apocalypse is going to require some extra help.
Notes: This is an unbeta’d pinch hit for leveragexchange that was written in two days, so all errors are my own. Hope you enjoyed it,
Sam, Dean, and Castiel had been holed up at Bobby’s for two weeks, scouring his books and racking their brains to think of a Plan B now that the Colt had failed them. As each book yielded nothing and their plans became increasingly half-baked, even Castiel started to slump at the kitchen table, the fight and hope draining out of him. In all his years of existence, he’d never felt so bleak and helpless, and he was starting to understand the allure of alcohol.