I don't think I can really write about this week's FNL until I have a chance to watch it a second time. But I do have an amusing story and a couple of questions about the episode.
Blunderdog is a vocal dog and sometimes, you'd swear that he actually knows what's going on around him. He often adds his two cents when we're watching tv or movies. His timing is incredible and we've never been able to decide if he's keying off the sounds or off of our reactions. (He's a German Shepherd, so he's both very smart and very sensitive to people's emotions.)
So, I'm watching FNL last night and it was the part where Tim and Becky were on his land.
Becky: Tim, I love you.
Blunderdog: *long groan**sigh*
Tim: No, we're not doing this.
Blunderdog: *small satisfied ruff noise*
My questions:
1 - Who was that woman with Jess? I thought she introduced her as 'my aunt' but all the reviews I've read seem to think that it's her mother.
2 - Tim was just fixing that car/hanging when the cops came in, right? He wasn't actually engaging in illegal activity at that moment, right?
3 - Was Billy just visiting or was Billy arrested?
I will say that my heart is well and truly broken for Tim because it seems like this can only end one way for him.
Good thing I had Leverage to watch after FNL or I might have fallen into the bottom of a pint of Ben and Jerry's. I love Parker more each week and this week, sleazy psychic man made me want to kill him for her. (Sidenote: Seeing Dylan McKay as said sleazy psychic made me feel sad and old.)
If anyone ever sees an icon of Eliot from near the end of the episode, where he's in the van with his head on his arm, tell me. I don't think I've ever seen him look so absolutely adorable before.