OK. I have next exam. Or I guess I have it. It wasn't so hard because I little bit swindled. But it wasn't my fault. My schoolmate stole one of test last class and her gave it to me and few friends. So I learned it and it worked. But... OK, I glad I made it right. Tomorrow will be like hell. You know, second class exam from physics, than exam from English and as last, one from French. Unfortunatelly no chance from yesterday. I hope I made the exam from physics. I'd be very glad if I'd have 1 from this subject on report. I'd have 1 from Czech, informatics, music, maybe maths and I hope art. I'm pretty sure I'll have 3 from history. But it's not my fault. The teacher just can't teach me anything. She's so... I don't know... boring I guess. But school is always boring.
More avatars - first and second are old, two last are newest. From Angel episode 5.12 You're welcome. You know, Cordelia woke up just because she had to move on... It's sad, but it's like real life. Everybody's have to move on. Everybody's leaving us.