
Nov 12, 2013 09:13

In the process of finishing what I think will be a Captain Swan one-shot (Yes, I ship them, too. Have shipped them since 2x06 and they are pretty much my OTP) as well as starting a multi-chapter Captain Swan fic. I haven't posted either of them here yet, but I'm working on some fine-tuning for them. Working hard to characterize them as best as I can, because frankly, writing fanfiction is a.) enjoyable to me b.) gives me feels c.) makes me a better writer.

If I remember correctly, I think I had a Duke/Audrey three-part fic going on? But my muse won't listen to me on that, and inspiration sort of fizzled out, but after hearing Ed Sheeran's "Drunk", I sort of want to write a one-shot based off where Duke and Audrey are this season. They're more of a crack ship now, I think, since she's with Nathan, but oh well. I ship them anyway.

As for TVD, I won't be writing anymore Klaroline fics since a.) I don't watch TVD anymore and b.) Well Klaus is in New Orleans, and Caroline isn't, so.
Scratch that, I do have some unwritten Klaroline stuff on my comp. ;)

- Ella

once upon a time, updating, haven, audrey/duke, emma swan, vampire diaries, storybrooke, what-am-i-doing

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